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Nevada's POV

"You want to what?" My mother shrieked, turning blue in the face.

"Shawn invited me with him for the rest of his North American leg of his tour. It's only fourteen more stops."

"I'm sorry Mark, are you hearing the rubbish that's coming out of your daughter's mouth?"

"First of all, we don't know a Shawn!" My dad exclaimed.

"You heard his music on the radio before. You know... the ones I complained about being constantly overplayed,"

"Mark, tell your daughter what's wrong with this whole idea!"

"Oh, so she's my daughter when she wants something outrageous?" My dad replied, shooting my mom a ridiculous look.

"C'mon! It's just fourteen stops. I'll have my professors email me my work!"

"That's not happening" my mother scoffed.

"Mother, You're on the school board! You can make it happen. I'm nineteen! You wanted me to explore the world. I've never left Florida. I've been here my whole life. I want to experience life outside of this state... I may never get a chance like this again!"

"You can be-"

"Yeah I can be freakin' forty, and you wouldn't let me go, but mom, don't you see what a great opportunity this is?"

"Nevada," she warned.

"Everything would be paid for and he's Shawn Mendes for chrissakes! He said he'd do anything to make sure you guys know I'm safe!"

"Shawn Mendes?" My dad said with his mouth dropping open.

"As in Karen and Manuel's son?" My mom asked.

"Uh, yes?" I said slowly, unsure of where they were going with this.

"Damn it." my mother swore.

"What?" I asked.

"I just closed the deal with them last Friday, when we were away," Dad said.

"Mark," my mother said shaking her head.

"Anne, I say we let her go. You can arrange her stuff. I can't compromise this deal and you know this. It would jeopardize my entire career, besides our little girl is just a kid in love."

"Mark," she said again, with a warning tone.

"She can take care of herself and she knows to always have safe se-" my dad rambled and I stuck my fingers in my ears.

"La La La,"

"Kid, you're really not helping yourself here." My dad chuckled which made me stop.

"I'll contact the Mendes' and make sure they know you're going," my mom finally said, and I do my little happy dance before engulfing them in a hug.

I hurried back to my room and immediately called Shawn who was heading to Duluth at the moment.

"So, what'd they say?"

"You want the good news or bad news first?"

He sighed, "good news?"

"Well, first things first, I have to declare that my parents know your parents and I had dinner with them the first time you were here for JM, also they're currently on the phone with mum as we speak," I said and the line went silent.

"Bad news is, I have no clue what I'll wear on the flight let alone bring for the whole trip. And the good news is, I'll be seeing you tomorrow in Duluth."

"You're not shitting me right now, are you?"

"Why would I-- nevermind, no I'm not shitting you."

"God, I can't wait to see you again, I'll make sure Andrew sends you all the information.

"Gotcha. See you soon, babe." I hummed happily and I can tell he has a smile on his face.

"Babe? What's with the pet names?" He joked.

"Thought I should be like all the stereotypical girlfriends, but would you prefer me to call you Ryan instead?" I asked ignoring the fact that I said, girlfriend. He had never technically asked me but I just let it slip out.

"Nah, babe is better."

I laughed, "Well I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll see you tomorrow, love."

"You" I let slip and I wanted to smack myself in the face, so I hung up before he can say anything else.

"Oh my god, what the hell Nev" I scolded myself and grabbed my suitcase to start packing some things in.

Authors note:
There you have it. Some romance!
Love you guys, thanks for reading x
-Anna & Lya

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