Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Nevada's POV

"I got a call."

He stopped playing his guitar and looked at me, "What do you mean 'a call'?"

"I mean, a director for a new billion dollar movie saw the video, liked my acting in your music video and wants to fly me out for an audition."

Four days went by and the Bad Reputation music video hasn't been out for more than twenty-four hours, and has accumulated over 7 million views.

He set his guitar in the stand and placed his elbows on his knees, "Where?"

"Los Angeles..." I paused, "Shawn, someone actually liked what I did in that video, what if this gets me somewhere?"

He took a deep breath, "When would you leave?"

I take a seat on the arm of the couch in front of him, "Next week."

"How soon does he need an answer?"

"By tomorrow," I replied.

He sighed, "I'm really happy for you."

I smiled sadly, "Shawn, I know this is hard, but I've always dreamed of being an actress and starring in movies and TV shows... what if this is the only chance I get?"

Shawn nodded his head and stood up, walking over to me and sitting on the couch. He pulled me down from the arm of it and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

He kissed my forehead for a few seconds, "You're going to say yes, you're going to go to L.A., you're going to be a star." He paused, "I don't want to hold you back from your dreams if my parents had done that with me, I wouldn't be where I am now. So, as hard as it's going to be for me to see you go, I'm still going to be happy for you."


"And if it doesn't work out, you can just come back to me. We can make this work, Nev, I know we can. We've been through shit before, we can get through this, too."

I smiled and moved so I could straddle his waist, "I love you, so much." I didn't even realize a tear had fallen from my eye until he wiped it away.

"I love you, too, darling. I always will."

I put my hands on his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss, it was a kiss we both knew we wouldn't have for a while. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer so there was no space between us. Our lips were moving in sync and I never wanted it to end.

But we had to pull away for air and we both smiled at each other. He buried his head in my neck and laid us down until we were both flat on the couch.

"Remember that time, when we were at your condo and we were trying to make pancakes, but it just turned into a giant food fight?" I asked with a laugh.

Shawn chuckled, "Yeah, and you had egg in your hair for three days."

"That damn thing wouldn't get out, no matter how many times I washed."

I felt him smile against my skin, "I'm going to miss you, Nev." He whispered.

I frowned and ran my fingers through his hair, "I'll miss you more than you'll ever know, Shawn."

"Don't forget me when you're a big superstar!" He said, eyes pricking with tears.

"I'm sorry I only got to come on a few stops with you. It was a dream seeing you play. But hey don't take this as a goodbye, just as a see you later" I said, caressing his cheeks and he kissed me again.

Who knew I would've found love and discover my passion, all in one lifetime?

Authors note:

that is the end of book 1, and yes there is another book, but we're going to wait to release it until Christmas break is here because of finals and shit, hope you understand and we hope you enjoyed this book! Until next time :)

-Anna & Lya

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