Chapter One

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Nevada's POV

"I thought that I've been hurt before..."

I groaned as I heard the over-played song ring throughout the small coffee shop where I worked at for the past year.

"I swear that kid's voice makes my ears bleed," I said to my co-worker and friend Hailee.

Hailee laughed and turned to finish the coffee she was currently making while I rolled my eyes, looking at the next person in line.

"Hi, how can I help you-- oh, hi Dylan." I smiled instantly, typing his usual order into the computer and grabbing a cup.

"Hey, Nev." He smiled back, "How's your day going so far?"

"Oh you know, annoying people, overplayed songs on the radio. Same old, same old. How are you?" I asked, pouring the coffee into the cup and sealing a lid over it.

"I'm- uh I gotta go," Dylan said grabbing his coffee and smacking down two dollar bills, scurrying out of the shop.

"He totally has a crush on you." My co-worker teased.

"He does not." I blushed and denied her comment.

"Sure he doesn't. I can't wait till I'm at your wedding. I'm going to stand up and say "I told you so."

I scoffed, shoving her arm playfully and resumed pouring coffee for $8.00 an hour.


When I returned home later that day, I saw my dad on the couch watching football and my mom in the kitchen cleaning up from making dinner.

"Hey sweetie, how was work?" My mom asked.

"Alright, still debating if it's worth it for what I'm getting paid."

"You know what they say.." my mom called out from the kitchen.

"Minimum wage equals minimum effort" my dad and I said in unison.

"You only work there so that you can afford concert tickets. We're well off but if you want something, you have to work for it kiddo" my dad said with a small smile on his face.

"Alright, well I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight, love you." I announced, skipping dinner and heading up to my room.

"Don't forget we have a dinner with some friends tomorrow, I need you here! It's mandatory." My mom shouted after me.

"Got it!" I replied.

I turned the radio on in my room and instantly groaned at the song.

"I thought that I've been hurt before..."

"I swear to god-" I mumbled, unplugging the radio.

unedited; 11/02/17

Authors note:

Here you guys go! We're super excited for this, let us know what you think so far?

-Anna & Lya ✨

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