Chapter Eighteen

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Dylan and I looked at each other, while Shawn looked at Dylan.

"Are you guys going to come in, or do you want me to leave you outside so the bugs can feast on you, or possibly some gators?"

"Uh" I said diverting my eyes from Dylan's being shirtless.

"I'll be in the kitchen" Dylan frowned, walking away.

"I can see why you liked him" Shawn mumbled.

"Yeah I mean, how can you not" I joked and Shawn rolled his eyes. "That doesn't help at all"

"I know" I smirked at him.


"Shawn. This doesn't fix things-"

"I get it. I need to earn back your trust."

"Yeah and to do that. I think we should be friends first. You know, so that I can get to know the real you"

"You already know the real me."

"No I don't. I know what the media has portrayed about you. I feel like I know your alter ego better than I know you"

"You're right"

"I know I am."

"Fresh start?" he asked.

"Fresh start" I repeated.

"Hi, I'm Shawn Mendes and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but unfortunately I have to get going to Orlando." he said and lifted my hands and pressed his lips to them both.

"Hi, I'm Nevada Wellington, it's great to meet you."

"Well I'd love to hear from you?" He gave me a hopeful look.

"I might text you." I smiled

"Okay," he said hugging me one more time. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight because I knew it would be awhile before I saw him again. It was like he didn't want to let go, and to be honest, I didn't either.

"Okay bye, I guess." I managed to get out and this made him step back with a quizzical look on his face. "Yeah um, bye Nev."

I turned back towards the door before I heard my name being called.

"Wait, Nev."

I looked at him, "Yeah?"

"I know this is probably really stupid and I know it might ruin everything, but before we don't see each other for a while, can I put the whole friends thing on hold?"

I tilted my head, confused, "What do you mean, I-I don't understand?"

He quickly took a few steps towards me until my back was against the closed door, "I don't know if I'll ever be able to do this, with us being friends and all so, Nevada, can I kiss you?"

My breathing escalated as I felt myself nod.

Shawn placed his hand on my cheek, smiling at me softly, and as soon as he started to lean in, I panicked and turned my face so his lips connected to my cheek.

I awkwardly shift and he left my place totally confused. I just cockblocked myself and maybe that was the right call, he's gonna have to work for it, because loving me isn't easy.

Authors note:
Thank you guys for reading!
We love you all so much!
-Anna & Lya

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