Chapter 31 - Why can't you just be normal!?! - <3

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Chapter 31

You know that feeling... When your running up the stairs in the dark, and when you reach the top thinking theres another stair and your foot slams through the air at a million miles per hour. The heart races thinking your falling through the air and you stumble forward trying to stable yourself...

That instant shock of fear.

Well, that's what this feels like...

Staring at Ava's fragile sleeping body, staring at the IV in her small arm and staring at the monitor next to her as the green line peaked with her heartbeat.

My eyes were glued to it. Counting the rhythm of each time it spiked upwards sending ripples across the screen. I couldn't take my eyes off it. It was the only sure way of telling she was alive.

Her chest wasn't rising like it should because her breathing was too relaxed.

Her eyes weren't opening due to some medication she was on to stop her seizure.

She wasn't moving, there was no occasional twitch, no rolling over. She just laid there. Lifeless. Like she was dead almost.

But that monitor promised me she wasn't.

Every time it beeped I knew she was alive.

Nicole was in the lobby talking with Echo, Katie, and Amber. Tyler was sitting across from me and Alex refused to see Ava like this.

Alex and Ava were even closer then Ava and I. Seeing her like this was too much for him I guess. Tyler's eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep and his eyelids were growing heavy. His blinks were long and slow, his head kept dropping to the side and I was sure he was going to pass out at any given moment.

"It's ok. You can go to sleep" I nodded. "I'll watch her" promising to do so, I knew I would be okay on sleep. I slept the whole flight and car ride.

He nodded and laid down on the stiff couch quickly falling asleep.

* * * *

I was just about to slip out of the room when I heard Ava make a small groan type noise. I whipped my head around to make sure she was okay when her shining deep brown eyes blinked to life.

"Hey kid" I smiled softly returning to her bedside.

"Kaden?" she whispered hoarsely. "I thought you were in Disney?" she asked. Poor kid was so out of it he couldn't even look me in the eyes. Hers were wondering the room in great curiosity.

"I was. But I came home to see you. I heard you were sick." I answered pushing her hair back out of her eyes. Her eyes were beginning to settle down and focus on mine.

"I was. I am? Where am I?" she asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"You're at the hospital, being taken care of." I replied glancing at Tyler who was still dead to the world.

"Kaden?" Ava asked pulling my attention back to her.

"What?" I replied slipping my hand in hers.

"Did you meet your sister?" she asked softly.

"Yeah I did" nodding I smiled back at her as she blinked tiredly.

"Was she beautiful?" she asked.

"Yes, very. She has blue in her hair." I answered.

Ava loved colorful hair. Every time we would see someone with colored hair she would freak out and say "Mom! Mom! That's what I wanna do to my hair!!! Oh I just love her hair, it's so beautiful!"

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