Chapter 22 ♦ Katie ♦

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Chapter 22

- Katie –


The loud high pitch of my alarm clock was enough to ruin my morning. Groaning at the sound I yanked the sheets over my head. I was still extremely tired but I knew staying home wouldn’t be a good idea; so I drug myself down the hall to the bathroom. I glanced at my fuzzy reflection and sighed. My eyes were blood shot, complimented by my hair which was standing up in every which way.

I was not a morning person to say the least. Other’s might think otherwise considering I was really good to get up and going after one ring of the clock. But that was just force of the habit I had adopted as a child.

Pulling back the plastic shower curtain I let the warm water consume me. I wanted to relax in the steam all morning, but as much as I didn’t want to admit it… I was late. I knew I had stayed in the shower too long so I jumped out and dried off. Running my fingers through my hair trying to bring it to life, I stared into the foggy mirror. “You take longer than a girl, I swear.” I heard Alex complaining on the other side of the door.

I opened up the door just shake my head at him. “Says the guy who spent an hour perfecting his hair yesterday.” That comment only got my head slammed into the wall and pushed out the bathroom.

“You actually showered? Are you crazy? We have like two seconds before we have to go.” Tyler was looking at me like I was an idiot, and honestly I was.

“I’ll be ready don’t worry about it.” I think I was trying to convince myself more than him.

When I was ready and stepped out my room Alex instantly started at me. “Ooh, look at little hipster Kaden in his hipster pants.” All I could do was shake my head and laugh at him.

“This is all Echo's doing.” She had gotten all excited one day, and made me buy red skinnies to match hers. I walked back to the bathroom just to hear the shower running, great... Tyler was in the showering, now we were going to be extra late.

I reluctantly swung open the door to the sticky steamed filled room. Scanning the fog for my phone I snatched it off the counter and then pulled the door back shut.

Ruffling my hair around, still trying to get it dry. I decided if we were going to be this late I might as well eat. Taking a bowl of cereal, I carried it to the table. Where I sat down next to Ava. Her eyes were only half way open, and her head was resting on the table.

"You tired?" I asked ruffling her hair around. She nodded back lazily.

"Me, too, kiddo, me too."

Ava sighed before pulling her head up. "I just wanna stay home today and watch cartoons." I couldn’t help but agree with her, because honestly that sounded awesome.

"You can't stay home. You gotta go to kindergarten."

"Yeah, but... It's just so hard," she complained dragging out every letter.

I just laughed at her remark and began to bargain with her. "Hey, I'll tell you what, you can go to school with Tyler and Echo and I'll go to kindergarten for you, ok?"

"Okay!" With that she perked up in an instant. "I like Echo"

"I like her too, but trust me, it’s no fun there. Enjoy the coloring while it lasts, little one," Standing up, I made my way back into the kitchen to rinse out my bowl. Leaving it in the sink I went back to the bathroom. My hair was still in a wet mop, and I only had fifteen minutes before school started. Great... It's November so it's probably about fifteen degrees outside. My hair would surely be frozen by the time I got to school.

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