Chapter 28 - I'm gonna miss you - <3

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Chapter 28

***pic of Nicole in side thing***

-Tyler's POV-

"Good morning boys" my mom sang she swung open my door.

I groaned and rolled back over. Waking me up was not as easy as it was to get Kaden up. My mom was like "time to get up" and that was all was needed for Kaden to shoot out of bed like his ass was on fire.

Me... Not so much.

Once Kaden was dressed and went to go eat with Ava, my mom walked back in "Tyler, if you don't get up I'm gonna have to beat you." she laughed tugging on my sheets. "Come on, get up... Goodness I feel bad for your wife"

"Amber" I smiled.

"Oh yeah? You're gonna marry her are ya'?" she say down next to me as I nodded in answer.

"Yeah, I'm too lazy to find another one. And Kaden and Echo are gonna get married we all know it so... Why not? We can all be friends and our kids will be friends and it will be great."

"You sound so gay right now" Kaden laughed shaking is head as he put on his belt.

"Don't act like you don't think the same thing" I defended.

"About me and Echo? Yeah I plan on marrying her. You and Amber? Not so much... You two are just a... High school couple" he smiled.

"Whatever maybe that's you and Echo" I laughed rolling out of bed.

"No I can see them getting married" Laura nodded "Oh my god, why are talking about this, your fifteen!"

---Kaden's POV---

"Almost sixteen" I pointed out.

"November 23rd" Laura nodded.

"The 23rd? Damn kid..." Tyler shook his head pulling on his yellow skinny jeans.

"Yeah... November 23rd... It'll be... Great" I laughed as I walked out of the room to look for my backpack.

Tyler ruffled his hair into place and we stepped outside. Amber and Echo weren't there so that meant we had to go get them today.

So we started in the direction of Echo's meeting Amber half way. "Hello and good morning" she smiled wrapping her arm around Tyler's waist as her put his around her shoulder.

"I don't see what's so great about it" Tyler remarked sarcastically.

"Well... Me either but hey, just one morning closer to friday" she said nodding slightly.

"That is very true" I stated poking her side. Echo was running late so I decided to go get her. Walking inside I heard her cuss from the bathroom telling me that she was probably in the bathroom.

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