Chapter 41

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|| "When it's raining, it's pouring. How do I always end up the enemy? How do I wake up in the morning and you're not right next to me?"

Chapter song: Future by Justin Bieber feat. Khelani ||

(Becca's p.o.v.)
It's a little too early for me to be up, but I couldn't sleep in. There's too many thoughts flowing through my mind, mostly revolving around Justin. Never in my life have I seen him walk off stage so furiously like he did last night. Something greater than the water spill must've been bothering him. It's not normal for his temper to be so short. Justin's always been really tolerant of a lot of things, but he can only handle so much stress. I really hope he's ok and doesn't wear himself out. He has a tendency to do that.

The girls left last night after we had dinner, so I've been hanging out alone, not doing anything really. I made myself a bowl of cereal, and now I'm in the middle of painting my nails. My phone rings, so I answer it on the second ring.

"Hello," I twist the nail polish bottle closed.
"Hey babe," a raspy voice speaks, making my heart flutter.
"Hey Justy," I smile lightheartedly yet in concern.
"Oh, you wish, baby." Suddenly, I notice the deeper pitch of the guy's voice. This isn't Justin.
"Wh-what?" My mouth goes dry from fear and anxiety.
"Maybe you can open the door, so we can finish what I started. Your little Justy won't be able to interrupt us this time," the guy says enough for me to know exactly who's talking. Max.

I can't speak, think, focus on anything. My anxiety rises too high for me to even make a sound. Max snickers menacingly on the phone, freezing my heart.
"Let me in, baby." The second I hear his demand, a loud pounding on the front door echoes the house. That's when I finally make the move of flinching. My head pounds and my heart falls nonstop in terror. I timidly scramble to my feet and desperately try to think of what to do. Call the police. Call Justin. Hide. Scream. Cry. Oh no. This can't be happening. Not when I'm home alone.

Frantically, I run behind the kitchen counter and dial 911. Tears push against my eyes as I hear a lady answer the phone.
"Someone's trying to break i-into my house," I sob in trepidation, and the lady assures me that the police are coming. They can track down my address from the phone. I cry and cry after hanging up. The pounding has stopped, but that doesn't mean Max is gone. Oh, how I wish Justin were here. I'm so scared. It's like my worst nightmare is about to happen all over again.

A few minutes later, I hear police sirens, so I peek out the window to see a few officers looking around and approaching my door. "Don't worry, ma'am. We have a few officers looking around the neighborhood. Is there anyone with you?" a male officer questions me from the front door.
"N-no," I dry my eyes only to tear up again. They ask me about what happened, and I show them the text and explain everything. I even show them the surveillance camera, which shows Max knocking on the door. In the end, they can't find any trace of him, but they tell me they'll keep an eye out for anyone suspicious. My heart sinks in overwhelming fear. They encourage me to call someone to keep me company, so I call the girls over again. After they leave, I lock every door and turn on the alarm. I debate on whether I should call Justin, but I really don't want to add more stress on him. I'll tell him tomorrow when I meet him in Miami.

I told Mallory and Emily everything that happened, and they stayed with me the entire day. I'm glad they came over, because I would've been a complete mess if they didn't. The last thing I need is for a panic attack to happen when I'm alone. My phone buzzes, and this time I read the contact to make sure it's Justin. It is.
"Hey Justin," I walk outside to the backyard patio while the girls stay inside and watch tv on the couch.

"Becca, are you ok, baby? What happened, babe?" Justin sounds frantic and worried, which tells me he knows about what happened this morning.
"I-I don't know, Justin. I answered the phone, thinking it was you, b-but it w-was Max, and he tried to break in. I didn't know what to do, baby," I hold in a cry as I wrap my free arm around my waist, an act of self-comfort.
"Why didn't you call me, baby? Ryan told me that Emily told him what happened. I'm freakin out over here," Justin distressfully questions, making me feel guilty.
"I'm sorry. I-it's just...Well, you're so stressed out, and I didn't want to make it worse," I confess apologetically.
"I'm fine, baby. I just want to know that you're safe," he breathes into the phone, and it's like I'm breathing him in.
"I'll call you first thing for now on," I bite my lip, wanting to see him in person.
"Is someone there with you right now?" I can hear him shift, which makes him seem so close.
"Yeah, the girls are spending the night again," I answer softly, taking a seat on the patio couch.
"That's good...I can't wait to see you tomorrow," Justin sullenly murmurs.
"Me neither. How are you holding up, babe?" I study my scarlet nails, which were done this morning.
"I'm good, darlin. I have a show coming up pretty soon. I'm actually excited to perform," Justin admits, sucking in a breath afterwards.
"Text me how it goes," I smile blankly at my hands.
"I will. But the my ride is here now, so I better go. And hey, I love you," he clears his throat, and shortly after there's a ruffling noise from his movements.
"I love you too, baby," I widen my smile, then hang up. For a while longer, I sit by myself, yearning for Justin. A strong lovesickness engulfs me, and I just want him here. There's not a specific reason why. I merely want Justin here, right now, with me.

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