Chapter 25

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|| "Don't know what you did but you really got me feeling that feeling tonight."

Chapter song: Red Lipstick by Rihanna ||

(Becca's p.o.v)
Justin's bodyguards help us through the lobby and into a car. I give the driver the address to the restaurant where I'm taking Justin for dinner.
"We're going to a steakhouse. I think you'll like it," I speak as the car moves across the bright city.
"Sounds amazing." We pass by several casinos until we reach the smaller version of the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas.

When we get out, a few girls walk up to us.
"Happy birthday Justin!" They smile excitedly at us, specifically at Justin.
"Thanks guys," Justin smiles gratefully.
"Can we take a few pictures?" Their phones are already on camera, so Justin doesn't really have a choice but to agree to it. I stand away, where a few fans come up to me.

"Stop using Justin."
"You don't deserve to be with Justin." They toss a few insults at me, my heels coming to a halt.
"That's not how it is," I defend myself innocently, but they keep throwing insults at me. Finally, I just walk away in offense yet annoyance.
"Yeah, you better run!" a girl shouts as I meet Justin by the restaurant door.
"What was that all about?" he wraps his arm around my waist and opens the door, his brows knitted together.
"Nothing. It's just an inside joke," I lie in order to keep the night going well. The last thing I want is for Justin to get upset at the fact that his own fans don't support our marriage. It's not fair to him. And it's his birthday.

Justin falls for my deception as we're seated at a reserved private table. The lighting is dim, and there's big windows to see the city. It's definitely on the fancy side.
"Very smooth," Justin smirks at how I'm spoiling him with an expensive dinner. I giggle innocently before opening a menu. The waiter offers us drinks, and we both get water.
"Oh, and a little champagne," I give Justin a smile, and he chuckles into his menu.
"Good thing we're not driving," he scans over the menu options.
"You know you want it," I smile at him. Our waiter soon arrives with our drinks, and we go ahead and order our food. Justin and I both order filet mignon; then the waiter writes it down before walking away.

"Ok, so I have part two of your birthday present," I get up and reach out to the side of the table. When I made reservations, I asked the red to put my gift to Justin in the room. I pull out a big painting I made for Justin. It's the beach with mountains at Bora Bora, where we had our honeymoon.
"Aw babe, I love it. This is really good Becca...We should totally hang it up at our house," Justin grins thankfully and gazes at the painting. His eyes light up as well as his smile. It makes me so happy to know he likes it, especially since I barely finished it in time for his birthday.
"Oh, and I got you this," I hand him a white gift bag filled with tissue paper. Justin carefully sets the painting down before opening the gift. He pulls out the bottle of green apple body wash I bought for him. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but I know it's his favorite. It makes a difference when he's tired and sweaty from performing and being on the road, and he gets to take a nice shower.
"Thank you babe," Justin smiles and kisses my cheek.
"Really, I love everything. It's been a great day," he caresses my hands lovingly.
"I'm glad." I feel like I made this a day to remember. It feels good. We can look back on this day, and I'll remember how happy I made Justin.

Our food arrives, so we put the gifts aside to dig into our dinner.
"I have one more thing to ask for," Justin states in between bites.
"What?" I take a bite from my broccoli.
"...I wanna make love to you, in bondage." His words make me pause my eating and swallow hard.
"You mean, like, tie me up?" I can't help but smile quizzically.
"Yeah, something like that," he nods seductively.
"...Sure," I blush a little, but I keep a smile on my face.
"Really?" Justin's eyebrows raise up as if he's surprised I accepted.
"Yeah, let's try something new," I shrug even though I'm shocked my his kinky idea.
"Ok," Justin chuckles cutely, then takes another bite of his steak.
"Can we go, now?" he asks with an impatient smile.
"We haven't even ordered dessert yet," I innocently smirk.
"Ugh," he groans as our waiter returns to take our plates. I give him a playful scold; then we order dessert, and I get chocolate mousse while he gets lemon cake.
"I can't wait," he smirks like it's impossible to hold back his lust.
"You'll survive," I sip from my ice water.
"No I won't," he crosses his arms, pouting like a baby.
"Just think about something else," I play with my fork while waiting.
"It's not that easy," he keeps pouting, which makes me giggle.
"Learn to control your lust." Just as I speak, our waiter presents our desserts. "Yum." Justin and I start eating our desserts, and Justin asks for the check.

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