Chapter 22

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| "I loved you all my life. Don't fall asleep without me tonight."

Chapter song: Viices by Made in Heights |

(Justin's p.o.v. )
Becca and I both eat breakfast with the morning sunlight shining across the glass table. Even though Selena's music video still bothers me, I manage not to get so worked up about it.

"We won't be back until Sunday, so pack what you need," I gather all the stuff I need and pack it in my suitcase. As I go through my wardrobe, I spot a hanger with a piece of paper on it. It reads 'AMA outfit 2016.' My designers must've put together my outfit. I totally forgot about the AMA awards on Saturday. Ugh, I hate award shows. They're just not my thing. There's all this drama, and I don't need it.
"Great," I mutter grumpily to myself as I set the outfit on my bed.
"What?" Becca folds her shirts, putting them in her suitcase.
"I have to perform at another award show on Saturday, and I have rehearsals on Friday."
"Ooh, that sucks. I'll go with you if it helps," she smiles sympathetically, and I grin before zipping up my suitcase. We finish packing; then I check the time, 11:15.
"We should go," I help Becca with her stuff and load the car. When I turn on the car, my song 'Sorry' is on the radio, and I smile to myself.
"Is it too late now to say sorry!" Becca sings along, swaying her arms to the music. Meanwhile, I chuckle while driving cheerfully to the airport. "Sing along!" she grins at me, so I start singing with her. At first, I thought it was just plain silly, but I soon figure out that the silliness is what makes the whole thing fun.

"Great job. We should be in a talent show," Becca turns down the radio, cracking up to our little performance.
"We'd murder that shit," I chuckle and park near my jet. Becca giggles cutely; then my bodyguards approach us.
"We'll take care of your car," they help us with our suitcases, offering to take my car back to our house, and I thank them.

"Let's get our party on," I sit down on the leather jet seats, smiling excitedly.
"Who's coming to the party?" Becca sits criss-cross on the seat beside me.
"Obviously Ryan and Chaz and the girls," I state, then begin listing all the other guests. "Khalil, Za, Rory (videographer), Christian, John, Alfredo, Ariana, Hailey Baldwin, Kendall Jenner, Jaden Smith, Maejor Ali, Poo Bear (music artist), Carl Lentz (pastor). A lot of close friends. You've met most of them," I list from the top of my head.
"Cool," Becca smiles in anticipation while pinning her hair up.
"Yeah, it's gonna be fun," I nod with nonchalance yet excitement.

The jet landed a little late in Vegas, but Becca and I made it to the hotel in plenty of time. We just walked into our room, and it's pretty sweet, very luxurious. There's a flat screen tv and a king size bed. It's awesome.

"Let's get something to eat. We'll call it an early dinner," I suggest as I set my suitcase near the bed.
"Ok. Sounds good," Becca opens the curtains and admires the energetic city. I give her a minute to take it all in, the buildings, the traffic, the aspects of Vegas.

There's a few bottles of champagne and a box of assorted chocolates on the table. 'Happy Birthday Justin' is written on a fancy piece of vanilla paper. It's a gift from the hotel.

"Ooh, you're already getting birthday treats," Becca admires the gifts, and I agree with her. Becca changes into another shirt; then I follow her out the door, so we can eat dinner.

"I know a good sushi place," I hold her hand while we walk to the elevator.
"Sounds great," she intertwines our fingers, her lips tugging on a smile. My bodyguards should be waiting for us by the door. By now, people know I'm in town. The word got around about my party later on tonight. I'm not surprised if people try to sneak in.

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