Chapter 37

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|| "It's alright because I've got your back. And I know you've got mine."

Chapter song: Kill For You by Skylar Grey ||

(Justin's p.o.v.)
Securely, I hold Becca in my arms on the car ride back to my Atlanta house. She's shivering and hiding her wet face in my chest.
"Where is she?" Becca whispers fearfully, her sharp breaths hitting my shirt.
"...I don't know," I whisper back, because guilt has taken over my body. I feel like crap. Selena got away, and maybe I could've stopped her, but I didn't have a clue she was there. I was too concerned about my wife. Becca sobs fragilely, unintentionally causing me to feel even worse.
"I didn't know she was there, baby. There was so sign of her. Emily tried to catch her," I rub her shoulders as her sobs slowly fade to nothing.

The car arrives at my house; then I thank Chaz for driving us from the restaurant.
"Go inside, babe." Closing the car door, I give her the house keys before I step to the passenger side.
"Do you want us to take your food to-go?" Chaz rolls down the window in front of me.
"No, it's ok. Thanks again, bro," I wave a sullen goodbye to him, the take a step back.
"Can we stop by tomorrow?" Chaz asks, and I know he's just as concerned about Becca as I am.
"Yeah, come before 12pm, because we have to catch a flight," I inform him, and he nods and says his goodbyes before driving away.

I lock the front door door behind me and spot Becca on the couch, sniffling, trying to hold herself together. I can hear her acute breaths when I sit beside her.
"I didn't think she'd try to kill me," she lets out a weak sob, so I tuck her desk hair behind her ear.
"I'm sorry, babe...I know you're scared. I wish I could've done something," I hand her a box of tissues, and she openly take it and dries her eyes.
"I just want to forget everything," she wipes her nose and sniffles again, then a few more times after.
"Maybe you'll feel better if you take a shower and get comfortable," I unstrap her heels for her as she nods dolorously. "Just breathe, babygirl. Take a hot shower and breathe," I envelop her hand and lead her to the bathroom. Becca only keeps nodding before gently shutting the bathroom door. Meanwhile, I walk to the kitchen and contemplate on what I should do, leaning on the counter. I've tried everything. Calling Scooter will only result in the same answer: give it another five weeks. I hate that it's taking so long to get a fucking restraining order. And it's not helping that Selena's team is fighting back like it's a matter of life or death. Hiring more bodyguards obviously isn't helping. Maybe I should've had one of the girls go with her to the bathroom. I swear, there was no clue that Selena was in the building. Shit.

We haven't eaten anything since lunch, so I turn the oven on and grab a bag of frozen chicken nuggets from the fridge. After putting the nuggets in the oven, I start steaming some broccoli on the stove. There's not much food in this house, because I'm never really around. My maids only bought groceries yesterday because they knew I was coming today. Once I head upstairs, I go through my closet and change into a grey tee shirt and sweats.

Soon enough, Becca walks back out in white sweats and a black tank top. Her eyes are puffy, and her nose is irritated from all the sniffling.
"Feel better?" Cautiously, I step up to her, holding her shaky hand.
"A little," she narrows her eyes to the hairbrush in her other hand.
"You smell good," I comment on her flowery scent, my nose brushing gently against her temple.
"Thanks." A tiny smile forms on her face as I sit her on the couch again.
"I don't know what to do," she mutters lowly, her hair still damp from the shower.
"Don't overthink it. I'll take care of it," I steal the brush from her hands and sit behind her so I can brush her hair.
"This won't happen again, babe. We got caught off guard tonight, but next time we'll be more cautious," I speak softly as I smooth out her dark hair.
"I'm doing everything I can. Scooter's doing everything he can. My security are doing everything they can. Now we know to be more vigilant. I know your anxiety is stressing you out, but try to loosen up a little. I need you to try. Just try for me, ok?" I set the brush down, then waves behind her neck.
"Yeah," Becca nods visibly before I smile and plant a tender kiss on her neck, which converts her smile into a grin.

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