Chapter 40

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|| "I never thought it'd be easy, because we're both so distant now. And the walls are closing in on us, and we're wondering how."

Chapter song: Down to Earth (acoustic) by Justin Bieber ||

(Becca's p.o.v.)
Things are different with Justin gone. Life is boring and way too quiet. Justin's my source of happiness. He provides meaning and purpose to my life. Even though it's not normal to be this dependent on someone, I still am. Days pass by so much longer, same with nights. I'm so used to waking up to Justin, hearing his witty comments, spending my day with him. Now I wake up alone, deal with complete silence, and stay home all day. I still enjoy myself, paint, play loud music, and watch my favorite movies, but it's different when I'm alone.

Justin doesn't seem to be doing well. He's all worried about me, which is sweet, but not healthy for him. The Purpose Tour is supposed to be his stress relief, a great experience. He should be having fun and doing what he loves. Instead, he's calling me multiple times asking if I'm okay. That's not what he needs.

There's a knock on the front door, so I jump up to see who it is. The door peephole reveals Mallory and Emily, so I easily open the door.
"Becca! Hey!" They both hug me fervently, and I hug back in surprise.
"We decided to stop by and hang out with you. Are you busy?" Emily and Mallory walk in, and I lock the door behind me.
"No no. I'm not doing anything really," I shrug and turn off the living room tv.
"Sweet. Well, I brought some amazing bath bombs. Wanna try them out?" Mallory merrily holds up a paper bag.
"Sure," I agree; then we head upstairs to the bathroom.

"So how are you and Justin?" Emily asks once we're all soaking under the the warm water. The bathtub is big enough to fit all three of us.
"We're good. I miss him, but I'll see him soon," I weakly smile to myself, running my fingers across the soapy water.
"Aw, just thinking about distance makes me want my Chazzy," Mallory pouts, making both me and Emily giggle.
"He's just left, you know," Emily teases, and Mallory childishly splashes her.
"Hey, let's be civil here," I laugh and cover my face to keep from being splashed.
"So...What's Justin like in bed?" Mallory blurts out, taking me by surprise.
"What?" I can't help but blush a little at her question.
"Well, Chaz does this thing where he ties me up, and Ryan apparently hits from behind. So what's Justin like?" Mallory states like it's totally normal. Oh my goodness.
"Uhm...Too much information," I widen my eyes and blush like crazy. They both laugh hysterically until I clear my throat.
"I don't know. Justin's real gentle and stuff. He likes to kiss my neck and stare into my eyes. It's like he's staring into my soul—"
"Oh god, Becca, don't get too carried away. He's such a softie!" Emily squeals, and I giggle shyly.
"Is he better than that old guy?" Mallory questions with a smirk. Why do they keep bringing this up?
"Oh, please, let that go. We just kissed," I roll my eyes playfully and try to get rid of my fiery cheeks.
"Okaaay," Emily coos, and it's my turn to splash her.

My phone starts ringing, and I know it must be Justin. Nobody else calls me. I grab a towel to wrap myself with, then answer the phone.
"Hey," I lean against the counter as the girls look at me in interest.
"Hey baby," Justin's voice rings in my ear.
"What are you doing?" I ask softly.
"Getting a haircut, finally," he states and chuckles lowly.
"Ooh, send me a picture," I smile to myself, ignoring the taunting smiles from the girls.
"I will. Are you doing ok?" he asks the question I knew he would ask. He always asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine. The girls are over and brought bath bombs, so I have company," I assure him.
"That's great, babe. Does that mean you're naked?" His question makes my cheeks burn again. I can feel my blood rushing all over.
"Uhm, yeah," I bite my lip shyly.
"Nice. Care to send pics?" Justin obviously has a smirk on his face. I can just picture it.
"You have one, remember?" I recall the morning we made love and he snapped a picture of me.
"I know, but that one's out of date," he snickers cutely.
"...I'll see what I can do," I murmur, hearing him celebrate from the opposite line.
"I'll be looking forward to that. In the meantime, I've gotta go. Call you later, baby," Justin declares, so I tell him goodbye before setting the phone down.
"You should've told him about our conversation," Emily grins, and I just shake my head.

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