Chapter 4

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Chapter song: Case of You by Gabrielle Aplin
(Becca's pov)
After dinner, Justin drove me around the city. We saw the houses, which were amazing. They were so tall and connected. Some houses were colorful, some were basic. I wish I could live in one some day. The coffee shops are adorable too. They're so small, but I've never had coffee or pastries that tasted better. Lights in Paris sparkle across every street, brightening the city. There's plants and flowers everywhere, every store, every restaurant, every hotel, every balcony. The whole city is just beautiful. It's everything like the movies, romantic and classy. The wedding will totally be perfect here.
After we looked around the city, we went back to the hotel. My eyelids grow heavy, so I immediately fall backwards on the bed. "Is my love tired?" Justin smiles, standing over me. "Yes, exhausted," I stretch my arms up towards the pillows. "Well, looks like we're getting to bed early," he unstraps my heels and places them by the bed. "I don't wanna get ready for bed. I just wanna sleep," I murmur tiredly. "I'll take care of that," Justin moves me to the side and unzips my dress. He tugs my dress off, leaving me in my bra and panties. His eyes scan me over intuitively. "Stop staring!" I giggle at Justin, who's still checking me out. "My bad," he shrugs slyly before unsnapping my bra and handing me a night shirt. "I need to brush my teeth and take my makeup off," I sigh and get up anyway. "I'll go make us some late night tea," Justin grins childishly before dashing off into the kitchen area. As for me, I just giggle and step into the bathroom. I wipe and wash my face, then brush my teeth. After brushing my hair, I walk back out. "Cup of tea miss?" Justin offers with a French accent. "Sure," I laugh at how cute he is. "I've always wanted to have tea in Paris," Justin admits with a cheesy grin. "Well, now your dream has come true," I sip from the tea, inhaling the relaxing steam. "I bet you look beautiful in your wedding dress," he thinks out loud, so out of the blue. "Mm, I don't know. I don't have a wedding dress," I smirk jokingly. "You don't?" he obviously can't see how I'm joking around. "Nope, I'm walking out naked. 100% nude," I tease him with a smile. "Ohhhh, you are huh?" he finally understands what I'm doing. "Yep." "Hm, sounds good to me," Justin smirks with lust stirring in his eyes. I giggle and blush to the lust I've started; then we both finish our tea before turning out the lights. "Goodnight babe," I pull Justin into bed with me. "You too darlin."
A loud knocking jerks me awake, making me sit up in bed. As for Justin, he pulls the covers over his head. "Who is it?!" I shout, but it comes out more raspy, so I sigh and step out of bed. Past the large bedroom doors, I walk into the huge room of our executive suite and open the door. "Who is—" "AHHH it's your wedding day!!!" "What are you doing?!! We have a lot to do!!" The wedding's in 5 hours!!!" "Where's Justin?!" Mallory, Emily, and Pattie, Justin's mom, overwhelm me with excitement. Ryan and Chaz are here too. "He's in bed," I rub my eyes tiredly. "Still?! Go wake him up!" "Ok ok," I still can't process what's going on. It's 6am. I know the wedding is close, but it's like I'm too drowsy to understand. "Justin, Ryan and Chaz are here. Oh, and so is your mom," I enter the bedroom again. "My mom? Why?" Justin immediately sits up. "She's helping me get ready," I smile and walk closer to him. "Oh, well I should get up," he stands off the bed, and I give him a shirt and pair of pants for him to wear. "I think this might be goodbye until the wedding, so..." I kiss and hug him tightly, and he does the same. "Love you" "Love you too." Then I walk back into the other room. "So where are we going?" I run a hand through my hair. "We're staying here. The guys are going to Chaz's room," Mallory states. "In the meantime, go wash up." "Ok," I smile before entering the bathroom. As I wash up, I hear anticipation from outside the door.

Today is my wedding day, the best day of my life. Today is the day Justin and me become united. We combine into one. I couldn't wish for anything other than this.

When I step out into the room, the guys have vanished. "Finally! C'mon, let's get you ready," Mallory grabs my hand and pulls me on the couch. "We have 6 hours you know," I raise my eyebrows at them. "You can say that, but it'll take about an hour to do your hair, another hour to do you're hands and feet. You still need to put on your jewelry, makeup, veil. And you need to practice your love speech to Justin at the altar. Plus, we need to get ready too. And we only have 5 hours," Emily states as Mallory and Pattie plug in a blow dryer. "Ok ok. But you guys need to calm down." "Calm down? You're getting married today, and you're calm?" Mallory exclaims. "Ok, maybe I'm a little excited," I giggle as they start drying my hair. "It's gonna be so much fun!" Pattie beams with happiness. "It's so sweet of you to help me get ready Pattie," I thank her for coming. It means a lot. "Oh it's no problem honey. You know I have to make sure Justin acts responsible," Pattie points out with a smile. "Yeah, you have to keep an eye on him," I joke around. "Paris is amazing, don't you think?" Emily states as she opens the balcony door. "It's beautiful. I've never been anywhere more perfect." "Except with Justin," Mallory remarks jovially. "Shut up," I smile shyly. "I heard he's going back on tour soon." "Yeah, right after his birthday. It'll be fun. We'll get to travel together sometimes. I'll be in New York, painting and hosting auctions," I state while the girls start doing my hair. "Oh yeah, aren't you an artist or something?" "Yeah, I love making art. It's better than modeling. Believe me. I've tried it." "Ok this is not fair. You and Justin are couple goals!" Emily jokes playfully. "We're not goals. He just happens to be Justin Bieber. He could be with anyone and they'd be couple goals." "Hey, you play a big part in this relationship. If it weren't for you, there'd be no couple goals, so stop putting Justin higher than yourself." "Ok," I smile at their encouragement and love.
"Hurry up! Omigod, let's go!" the girls rush me out of the hotel room. "I'm trying!" These heels are really hard to walk in. We enter the elevator and press down. "Justin's gonna have a heart attack when he sees you," Emily exclaims before the door opens. "Ugh, I'm so nervous," I attempt to steady my flattering heart by taking deep breaths. "What for? Just pretend that you and Justin are the only people in the room," Pattie has her hand on my back, helping me walk across the room. The wedding's outside, but I have to wait for my cue. The girls and I wait in a dressing room while the ceremony occurs. My heart won't settle down. I'm excited, but I'm really nervous. "You're almost on," Mallory stands by the door, keeping track of the ceremony. "You'll do great. All you have to do is marry Justin," Emily grins with her hands on my shoulders. The veil over my face makes everything seem sparkly, since the veil itself has tiny diamond specks in it. "Ok, you're on. Let's go," Mallory takes my hand and leads my racing heart outside, where tons of people sit, all staring at me. Oh shit. I see Ryan, who's supposed to replace my dad. I freeze up, hearing the piano play my entrance song, and I forget how to walk. "Focus on Justin," Ryan pats my shoulder, so I shift my eyes in the middle to see Justin at the altar, staring right at me. I grin so big at him, and start to walk with Ryan leading me. Justin's hair is combed back a little to the side, and his eyes glisten with amazement. The desire in his lips hide behind his teeth. His hands cover each other, and his posture is very impressive. Once I approach the altar, I find myself face to face with my future husband. He looks so much more perfect up close. "Hey baby," Justin puts his arm around my waist as we turn to face the minister. "Hey." "You look beautiful," Justin compliments me secretly. I just blush harder than I already am. The minister goes on; then it's time to read our speeches to each other.

(A/N: So I've been stuck at home all day because there's a gas shortage here in Texas. Ugh it's so boring!! There's literally a line per gas pump so people can get gas😬 so much for a long weekend. Next post is on Monday/Tuesday)

 Next post is on Monday/Tuesday)

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