Chapter 3

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Chapter song: Deux by Keren Ann (it's a French song)
(Justin's pov)
The calm beating of my heart echoes in my chest while I lie here on the massage table, receiving a massage.
"Ugh this feels amazing," Becca moans beside me, getting the same treatment. "Don't turn me on baby," I smirk even though she can't see me. "Whatever. Everything turns you on," she remarks sassily. "What can I say. I'm a growing boy with hormones." "You're 21." "I'm almost 22. What's your point babe?" I feel my muscles relax from how intense this massage is. "You can't use hormones as a way to allow yourself to get a boner from everything," Becca giggles, and I bet she's blushing a little. "How can I not? And I only get turned on by three things: you, naked you, and soaking wet you." "Justin, oh god! I'm just going to pretend you never said that," Becca shies away from the conversation. "Whatever you say." My voice trails off before I moan from the massage.
"I can't believe we're getting married tomorrow," Becca murmurs loud enough for me to hear. "It's gonna be so much fun." We've put so much work into the ceremony, the before and after parties, everything. And now that it's perfect, we're tired of waiting. We just want to live it. "We'll officially be together, forever," Becca moans dreamily, making me smile. "I think you're right Mrs. Bieber," I playfully flirt with her. "I'm so excited." Her voice sounds excited too. "What are you looking forward to the most about the wedding, besides marrying me?" "Uhm, walking down the aisle. I'm not really seeking for all the attention, but just walking up to you, knowing you only have eyes for me," she thinks a little bit out loud, but I don't mind, because I like to hear her thoughts. "Aw babe. You're so sweet," I grin happily at how loving she is. "What about you?" "I'm looking forward to the toasts. I want to hear what everyone has to say about us. Plus, I'll be holding you close, so everyone will see how happy we are," I answer freely. "It might be the best day of our lives." Our massages are finished, so we stiffly sit up. "What about the honeymoon? You excited for that too?" I roll my shoulders back. "Oh yes I am. I've can't wait to go to Bora Bora. It seems romantic," she smiles with her hair pulled back into a ponytail. "More romantic the Paris?" I give my best French accent. "Maybe not," she giggles against her hands. "Let's go. We've spent the entire day here. Now I think I'm too relaxed," I pop my neck and yawn in my arm. "Is that even possible?" Becca snaps her bra on. "Who knows. I know it's possible to get hungry," I pull my shirt on just as she does. "Don't we have a date with Scooter and his wife?" Becca mentions, standing up to pull her sweats on. "Oh yeah," I groan and roll my eyes. "He's gonna give us the whole serious 'everyone's watching you' talk." I hate it when we talk about this stuff. I mean, I get it. We're celebrities and all, but we're not the only celebrities in the world. Not everyone's watching us. "Calm down babe, he's you're manager. That's his job," she puts her hand in mine. "I know I know, but I don't need all these 'possibilities and risks' thrown at us the night before the wedding. We didn't give him the 'sex' talk before he got married, so—" "The 'sex' talk is totally different than the 'fame' talk you know," Becca grins as we enter the changing room. "That's not the point," I open the door for her before grabbing the two hangers delivered to us by my designer. It's our outfits for the night. "What did I get?" Becca anticipates in front of me. "Hopefully something tight and revealing," I smirk before handing the hanger to her. "It's a dress, champagne. I like it," Becca gives me a playful gleam. "Put it on babe," I encourage her as I take my shirt off again. We both undress, then put on our outfits. The black and white dress shirt I received goes great with my black pants. But Becca looks better in every way. She always does.
"Can you zip this up honey?" she turns around, holding her dress together. "Sure thing," I zip her dress up before planting a kiss on her neck. "Sexy," I whisper, and she blushes.
We get our hair done; then I pack our stuff while she does her make up. Our car should be arriving pretty soon. When I step up to Becca again, she looks just as beautiful as she does everyday.
"Ready?" I take her hand in mine. "Yeah," she nods with her rose-colored lips in a smile. "Damn, you're beautiful," I admire her, walking out, arm in arm. "You too baby," she holds my arm tighter. "After you darling," I use my French accent again. "You sound so sexy." "I'm all yours," I flick my eyebrows at her, sending her amused giggles throughout the car.
Our car arrives at fancy restaurant, really huge with words that I can't pronounce. I tuck my arm with Becca's, ignoring the occasional camera flashes and screams. When we're inside, the building opens even bigger than it looks from outside. "Wow," Becca gapes beside me. "They must really take 'fancy' serious here," I murmur in her ear as we're led to a table.

"Justin, Becca, I'm so glad you made it. Have a seat," Scooter waves us over to him with Yael sitting beside him, so I walk over to them with Becca by my side. "Hey man," I pat Scooter's shoulder. "Aw you two look so cute," Yael compliments us as we sit down in front of the dim candlelight. "Thanks. You too," Becca smiles amiably. I hand a menu to her and take one for myself. "So how'd you spend the last day before your wedding?" Scooter smiles curiously. "Besides the hangover, it was good. We went to a spa," I scroll through the menu, trying to figure out what each French meal looks like. There's so many, and I can't even read most of them. "Get this one. It's just fancy scallops," Scooter points to a dish called Coquilles St. Jacques. "Ok," I put the menu down before the waiter approaches us and takes our orders. I don't want to talk about the media and the fame, but I don't want to lose my appetite while I'm eating, so we might as well just get it over with. "Let's talk Scoot. What's going to happen after the marriage?" I already know, but it's better to hear him buzz on than to complain the whole time. "Well, there's already a bunch of words going around about it. People are going to try to get really deep in your business. That's how they found out you guys were getting married in the first place. It'll get harder to avoid them, because—let's face it—you guys are the most famous couple right now. There's no privacy. The world wants to see drama. Everyone wants you to break up, then get back together, then break up again. It's a viscous cycle. They want pain and tears and misery. They want to find your weakest spot and hit it. That's how it's always been. But a lot of couples have made it. You guys just have to shut it out. You can't walk into all this drama with your guard down. You have to be thick-skinned and strong, or else you're gonna get hurt," Scooter explains seriously.
"Right now, a lot of people are mad at you Becca, because of the same reason. They hate the fact that Justin picked you over Selena. They want you out of the picture, and they're never going to back off until you're gone. Selena's fans, are always going to be hating on you. Justin's fans too. But not everyone hates you Becca, oh god no. Don't feel like you're the most hated person in the world. Your far from it. There's a lot of people who are happy you guys are together," Scooter directs towards Becca.
"You two are strong. You know what you're doing here, and you're ready to face the media. Don't be afraid and stay close to each other emotionally. The world has nothing on you two. You're happy, young, innocent, so live it out freely. Everything people say doesn't matter. They will never truly know what goes on between you two, so you're the one on top. You'll always be on top, because you're the ones who know everything. So don't stress out if people say ugly things about you. Plus, I'll be here to help," Scooter concludes his lecture, and it was exactly what I thought it would be, cheesy. But it was honest, and he didn't baby us around.
"Thanks Scoot. We'll remember everything." "Yeah. Thank you Scooter," Becca smiles appreciatively. There's really not much to say. It's a personal conversation. "No problem. Now, let's talk about something else. Tell me about your wedding," Scooter puts his arm around Yael. "It's going to be so much fun. I haven't even seen the cake or the ballroom. But so far, everything's beautiful. It's everything I've ever dreamed of," Becca grins excitedly, which makes me smile. "I hope it is, and I know it's going to be the best wedding I've ever attended," Yael smiles kindly at us. "We have to wake up at six in the morning tomorrow. It's the only way to keep things on time," I groan as our food arrives. "That sucks, but it'll all be worth it," Scooter smiles. "Yeah, it will," I completely agree.

(A/N: I hope everyone is okay, with the hurricane and all. I live in Dallas, but we only got rain. I just hope the damage can be fixed pretty soon. With that said, you all have a good relaxing week, especially if you're in school. I'm posting Wednesday or Thursday)

 I'm posting Wednesday or Thursday)

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