Chapter 20

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| "Whatever you do just don't believe what they say."
Chapter song: What They Say by Zara Larsonn |

(Justin's p.o.v.)
When we arrive, my bodyguards catch sight of my silver Audi, and they stand my the door. Becca and I get out a give them a quick 'hello' before walking into the mall. A few people already have their phones out, which I just hate. There's no need for phones; Becca and I are not wax figures. We're people, so why do people get all worked up about taking a picture of a person? They have eyes too see, don't they?

Becca and I go into a Neiman Marcus, and she shops while I help her out when she can't pick between two shirts.
"Just get both," I always tell her, but she always responds with, "I don't know if I'll wear both." Then I tell her, "You won't know until you buy them," and that usually solves the problem.

After Becca gets her shopping done, we walk over to a Calvin Klein store, so I can buy a few things. The crowds have definitely gotten bigger. I always feel bad when I attract this much attention, because the store owners have to deal with all the screams and knocking down of stuff. It's just not fair.
Once I buy a couple tee shirts and jeans, Becca and I walk towards the exit.
"Justin! I love you!" "Can I see your wedding ring?!" "How are you?!" It's hard to answer when the fans are twice as loud as me and Becca combined. That's why I just give them a simple wave and smile when I approach my car.
"I love you guys!" I shout before locking myself in my car.
"Aw, you're such a sweetie," Becca grins and squeezes my hand.
"Ah, whatever," I smirk and pull away before people start to crowd my car. I make my way to the building where my interview will take place.

"We're 30 minutes early," Becca states from the passenger seat.
"Let's get inside before people recognize my car." Somehow people manage to follow me, and I don't want to be surrounded all at once by people, including my fans. I love the attention and support, but I have to put safety first. I'm claustrophobic, and I don't want to be grasped and constantly shouted at. Plus, Becca doesn't do good in loud, crowded environments. She gets nervous and could have a panic attack.

"Justin, you're right on time," one of the camera managers greets me when I get inside the building.
"Great." Personally, I don't know the guy, but I greet him with a smile.
"You must be Becca. How are you?" the guy shakes her hand.
"I'm great. Thank you," Becca shakes the guy's hand in return, then joins me by my side.
"You'll be on in about 15 minutes. In the meantime, help yourself to some water and snacks." Becca and I wait to the side while the people set up the radio station's microphones and stuff.
"Hey, it's the Biebers!" one of the female radio hosts greets us. She has brunette hair and glasses.
"Hey, it's nice to meet you," I shake his hand, and so does Becca.
"It's nice to meet you too. The other hosts and I have been looking forward to meeting with you," the lady smiles and motions to another man and woman near the door.
"Yeah, me too," I keep my smile going until I hear a shout. "Oh, we're airing in 2 minutes. Let me show you how to work the microphones," the lady motions me to sit down at the table where all the microphones are, and she starts explaining how to work them.
"Becca you can sit next to Justin. Maybe you'll make him more comfortable," the other female hosts pulls a chair beside me, so Becca smiles and takes a seat next to me. It all happens really fast, and before I know it we're on air.

"Good afternoon folks..." the male radio host gives his introduction, cracking a few jokes in between. Meanwhile, I just hold Becca's hand under the table and give her an I'm-bored smile. She just grins while squeezing my hand again.
"Wow. We've got the whole Bieber family here. Both Justin and Becca are in the house!" Ugh, just get to the point.
"Alright Justin, we've got a few questions for you," one of the ladies states.
"Ok, I'm ready whenever you are," I smile as I speak in the microphone. Every so often I'll see a flash from the cameramen, and it kind of pisses me off, because I came inside to not be bothered by cameras.
"So how about those Grammy awards?" Here we go. "Ok Justin, what was your first thought when you saw Selena Gomez, your ex girlfriend, on stage?" the brunette lady asks, and I can feel the camera zoom in on me.
"I was happy to see her doing well, considering she just got out of rehab." Fuck, it bothers me to even say that. I mean, Selena didn't even go to rehab. She went to jail.
"How sweet. Do you think there's a chance of Jelena arising again?" What kind of stupid question is that? Don't they see the ring on my finger?

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