Chapter 23

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Killian's POV

I was going to be a father in just one month. Emma is now 8 months along and she hasnt been able to get up on her own and she is starting to keep me very close to her as along as she can.

"Emma let me go. I have to get downstairs." I say trying to get off her grip.

"No stay with us. Dont you care about your child?" She asks me.

"Of course I care about the baby and about you, but I have a place to run. Look I promise today I will see which one of the employees will be in charge while Im with you. Okay? Can you give me until tonight?" I ask.

"No." She says.

"Emma I promise I'll be by your side as much as you want as long as you give me today." I say.

"Let me think about that..... Ummm No!" She yells at me.

I tried to get her hand on of me, but every time I removed her hand she grabbed me with the other. I dont know why she has become so attached to me lately. It keeps getting bad the more pregnant she becomes.

"Killian shouldnt you be downstairs?" Snow asks.

"I'll be right down." I say.

"No he wont." Emma says.

"Hey Killian.... Oh I see you have an Emma attached to you, but your needed downstairs. Oh sucks to be you." Regina says.

I didnt know what to do. Emma needs me, my job needs me, and now that I think about it most of my workers arent boss material. Then it hit me I knew who could take my place for awhile.

"Hey Regina would you like to be in charge of downstairs?" I ask her.

"Are you asking me to be in charge of other people and booze?" Regina asks.

"Yeah please. Who better then you?" I question.

"Sure I'll do it. For two reasons 1) This will really be fun and 2) Emma is giving me a horrible look like if I dont she'll kill me." She says.

"Thank you. I would hug you, but as you can see Emma wont let go." I say.

"Yeah. Whatever keys please." She says.

I tossed Regina the keys to the bar and she went downstairs and Snow followed after her quickly. I turned to Emma and she was still attached to me.

"Love, I dont know where this attachment to me came from. It might be just the baby, but could you please let go so I can sit beside you?" I question.

"Im sorry Killian. I just feel like if I dont keep you close that I will lose you and so will our child. I know you say you wont leave, but I cant shake this feeling. Im sorry I really am." She says letting go of me.

"Emma its okay. I dont mind. I dont want you to feel like I'l leave you or our baby. Emma trust me I will never leave you or this baby." I say.

I sat beside her and pulled her into a hug. I rested my hand on her stomach and I just wanted to tell her I love her, but Im afraid that she will think its for the baby or she might think its because I want her to stop clinging on to me. If only she know I want her to be with me forever. Just me, her, and our baby a real true family. Yeah that would be nice.

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