Chapter 22

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Emma's POV

Killian is clueless I am now 7 months along with his baby and I have attached myself to him. Two reasons one because our baby really likes the sound of his voice and reason two I want to be with him.

"Emma? Would you like a baby shower next month?" Snow asks.

"No. I want the father of my baby to love me too." I say.

"Emma that was you answer to do you wanna go to the movies." Regina says.

"Well right now thats the only thing I want." I say.

"Emma just talk to him and you'll never know what he wants until you ask him." Snow says.

"This is just bullshit. Heres an idea once that baby is out of you and its just the two of you in that hospital room with your child why dont you just tell him the truth. I grantee you both want the same thing." Regina says.

"Snow please tell Regina she is crazy." I say.

"Actually Emma Im on Regina's side. See we know the truth and what better way to tell the father of your child that you love then when your child is born." Snow says.

"Fine, but if he hates me afterwards then Im never speaking to either of you again." I say.

I could tell Regina wanted to say something more, but Killian and the guys walked in.

"Hey. How do you guys feel today love?" Killian asks placing his hand on my stomach.

"We're okay." I say placing my hand over his.

It was like I totally forgot everyone else was in the apartment with us.

"So if you have a girl your naming her after me right?" Regina asks.

"Not a chance." Killian says.

"Yeah thats because they are naming their son after me." David says.

"Nope." I say.

"Guys they will name their son or daughter whatever they want." Snow says.

"See Snow gets it." Killian says.

"Hey I get it too. Its your baby your choice. I told you guys that already." Robin says.

"Yes Robin we know." I say.

"Oh really thats how you both wanna play." David says.

"Yeah they have said that they will give you the option of Robin Snow if its a girl and said it could also work as a boy name. So watch out." Regina says.

I was getting very annoyed with everyone and Killian could tell.

"Okay thats alot to think about and Emma needs some rest. So get out." Killian says.

They all just started mumbling as they left. Killian locked the door after them and then came back to me and placed his hand back on my stomach. We might not know what we want to name our child yet, but at least Im lucky to be having this baby with someone I truly care about. Well then in 2 months I'll get to know if he too loves me like I love him.

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