Chapter 9

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Killian's POV

Emma was suppose to stay for just a couple days and since we had so much fun and both really dont like living alone. We talked about her moving into my apartment and thats what she did. Emma now lives with me and now only has one month left until our live might change forever.

"So she now lives with you?" David asks.

"Yes David she does." I say.

"Wow you spend a month back home and you miss alot. I cant believe Snow, Regina, and Robin didnt tell me." He says.

"That because they knew you would ask if I were crazy and then make it so I will rethink my decision and then Emma would still be at old place. Though Neal moved into Emma's building the day Emma decided to move out. So it actually works." I say.

"Well this is one step closer to having a child with her and that will make it even closer for you to man up and tell her you love her." He says.

"Shut up. She is right in that room. She hears you... She'll leave and then Neal will get her and I will forever hate you." I say.

"Emma doesnt love Neal she likes you." He says.

"As a friend and potential baby daddy. Thats all." I say.

"Killian... Ohhh... Hi David." Emma says.

"Hey Emma." David says.

"He was just leaving." I say.

"I was?" David questions.

"Yeah byebye." I say and shove him out.

Emma looked at me in a worried way. God I hope she didnt hear what David said.

"Im sorry I didnt mean to ruin your talk." She says.

"Emma relax its David you didnt do anything wrong? So are you okay?" I ask her.

"No... I got a text from Neal saying that he knows why I moved in with you. He also said I should move out and go somewhere else where someone wont try to take advantage of me." She says.

"Swan you know me. I would never hurt you. Ever." I say.

"I know that, but then he said if I need help he knows a guy that can take you away from me permanently. I cant lose you Killian." She says crying.

"Hey Swan.. Its okay my love. You will never ever lose me. I know Neal scared you into think he can hurt me, but love he cant. Nothing could ever take me from you." I say and hold her close.

"You really mean that?" She questions.

"Yes my love. I do." I say and kiss her head.

I held her close to me the rest of the day. She even fell asleep in my arms on the couch. Yes I love her and yes I nothing could ever take me away from her. I just wish I wasnt afraid to tell her the truth. Im mean if she knew would she too love me back? Probably not she's to good for me. She will only want me as a friend and a baby daddy. I really wish she would want me as more, but I guess I'll take what I can get.

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