Chapter 12

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Emma's POV

Its been a few days since Killian and I slept together and we havent really spoken about it since the morning after. I felt like I lost my best friend because of what I so desperately wanted. I got out of my room and I saw Killian just sitting on the couch.

"Hey Swan." Killian says once he sees me.

"Hey do you hate me?" I ask him.

"Woah Swan. Where is this coming from?" He asks.

"Well I mean we dont speak that often since that night. I was just wondering if I ruined our friendship." I say.

"No Emma you havent ruined anything. Im still here for you. I just didnt want to talk about that night because I didnt know how to just bring it up without it being weird." He says.

"Oh well I wanted to talk about it... If thats okay?" I question.

"Yeah I guess so." He says.

I know we need to talk about how it wasnt just some sex favor and how I felt an emotional contention, but how do I say this to him.

"Killian, I wanna talk about how it was on an emotional level because I have been with other guys and that night wasnt like how it was with others. It was different, but a good different." I say.

"Well I have been with other women before and I too thought it was a good different. I just think it might have to do with the fact that we are such close friends that it meant alot more to us then people who never meant as much." He says.

"You know thats what I was thinking. Now that we have that out of the way... I was wondering if maybe we could do that again to double our chances of getting pregnant?" I ask him.

"Well... How can I say no to that face." He says.

I climbed on to his lap and kissed him. His lips found my neck as we undressed one another. If only he knew that this wasnt just a friend thing to me and that I want to be more. Im hoping a child will give us an opportunity to start something real. If Im right and my feels for him are true then we could be together forever, but thats only just a Fantasy.

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