Chapter 13

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Killian's POV

Emma and I have only spent nights trying to get her pregnant and we rarely speak the day after because we both have been really busy. Its like our friendship has disappeared and we are just sex friends.

"So how is Emma?" David asks.

"She's fine." I say.

"She told Regina and Snow you two have only been in bed together lately and you dont hang out or talk like you used to before." Robin says.

"Well yeah thats true. I've just been so busy with this place and she has been trying to get her new job started. So we havent been able to talk about anything." I say.

"Well talk to her. I mean you two have slept with each other for over a couple weeks. I mean for all you know you guys could be pregnant." David says.

"I guess thats right. I'll try to talk to her tonight." I say.

"Well send her a message and make her like a nice meal or something." Robin says.

"Yeah I'll do that." I say.

I sent Emma a message and she said that it would be nice. Once I was done with work I made Emma a meal and waited for her in our apartment.

"Hey there. This food smells amazing." Emma says walking in.

"Thanks have a seat." I say.

She sat across from me and I just kept an eye on her as she ate and she gave me a weird look.

"What? Is there something on my face?" She asks.

"No its just David and Robin got in my head earlier about how we have been you know.... Anyway its been going on for a few weeks now and I guess wanted to if you took a test yet?" I question.

"Ohhh well not yet. I know I said this is what I wanted, but Im alittle nervous to find the truth out. I hope thats okay." She says.

"Yeah thats fine. Trust me the longer we wait to take a test maybe the easier it will be for us... Maybe." I say.

"My thoughts exactly." She says.

We went back to eating and every so often I snuck a look at her. I just want to say Hey Swan I Love You, but she will never love me. I dont see why I even think about her this way when it will never happen.

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