Chapter 3

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Killian's POV

Emma is making a terrible mistake with this baby thing and I dont know how to help her realize it. I was working when I saw some of our other friends.

"So Emma is really committed to this baby thing?" David asks me.

"Yeah. I told her to think about it, but I dont know what I'll do if she goes through with the sperm donor thing." I say.

"Ohhh I know! You and Emma have sex until she becomes pregnant with your child." Regina says.

"Are you insane? Never mind I already know the answer to that." I say.

"You know Regina does have a point. I mean. Emma would get the baby she wants and we all dont have to worry about her getting some as you put it some ugly ass guy's child." Robin says.

"So if Emma does this you all think I should be the father?" I ask them.

"Yeah. I mean it kills two birds with one stone." Snow says.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"Emma gets her baby and you get to have sex with the one your in love with." She says.

"Im not in love with Emma." I say.

"Oh right and Regina is the most loving and kind hearted person on the planet." David says.

"Hey. Dont talk about my Regina like that." Robin says.

"Well he's not wrong about me. Just like Snow isnt wrong about Killian being in love with Emma. God Jones go tell Emma that she can have a baby and you'll be its father." Regina says.

"Okay first off Im not in love with Emma and secondly I would on sleep with her to give her a child no emotional contact to Emma whats so ever." I say.

"Okay while you go and talk to Emma we will be here not believing what you just said." David says.

I waited until after my shift to go over to Emma's after our conversation yesterday and the one I had with the others earlier maybe Emma and I could have a child together. Though is that what I want? I mean In not in love with Emma and you beautiful blonde hair, her green eyes, her smile that could light up a room... Okay maybe I might love her a little. Once Emma opened the door to her apartment she had that sweet smile that I loved so much. Okay maybe I love her alittle more then alittle.

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