Chapter 1

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Emma's POV

I had a vision of what I wanted for my life by the time I turned 22. At a young age I put together a life plan one that I have always wanted since I was a little girl. Though now my life plan has changed and I dont know what to do

"So Emma before you Graduate College where to do you see you life going now?" My Guidance counselor asks me.

"Well I have always had a vision that once I graduate college I would have a job lined up, I would either be marry or almost married, and I'd be pregnant." I say.

"And how has that plan going?" He asks.

"Well the job thing is in play, but I dont have a man in my life or the possibility of a baby. So the rest of my plan isnt in play." I say.

"Well Im sorry to hear that, but you should just focus on your job and worry about the baby and married thing. That kind of stuff comes later in life." He says.

"Yeah I guess so." I say.

As I walked out I got upset because my plan wasnt in play. I mean I dont have to be in love to have a baby. I can have a unprotected one night stand or get a sperm donor. I just really think I will be a good mom.

"Hey Swan have a drink." My friend Killian says as I entered his families bar.

"So my plan is over I guess." I tell him.

"Sorry to hear that love." He says.

He handed me my drink and then walked away. I made my way over to my other friends and told them what happened with my plan and they think my counselor was right.

"Sorry Emma, but you dated jerks and I feel as if you want a happy family you'll just have to wait until your really in love." My friend Snow says.

"I agree with Snow. You need to wait." My friend Regina says.

"I just want my plan to work. What if I never find love until its to late?" I question.

"Emma theres no need to rush your life." My friend David says.

"Yeah dont do that kind of thing. You'll find happiness one day." My friend Robin says.

I just knew that they all were wrong. I wanted to this plan to work even if it means going to a sperm bank. If they cant see how happy this will make me then maybe they just arnt my real friends.

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