Chapter 40

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Emma's POV

Two years ago Killian asked me to marry by using our daughter who was now two years old. Jade has become very attached to Killian which was very cute. Killian and I got married with just our friends and daughter there.

"Okay love. Go give mommy the note." Killian says.

"Okay here mommy. Daddy said this for you." Jade says.

"Why thank you angel." I say.

Killian then picked her up and they walked out of the room. I looked at the note and it made me smiled.

Emma, my love you are the most perfect woman in the world. I have thought that since I met you. Now we have a wonderful life together and the perfect daughter. Now my love I want you to meet me at the place were we first met. I'll see you there my Swan.


I got ready and I headed to the place were Killian and I first ever met. Then I found him sitting there by the lake.

"Theres my love." Killian says.

"How did you get here so fast and wheres Jade? Also why are we here?" I ask him.

"I left before you and you take forever getting dressed. Jade is with Robin and Regina. Why are we here? Because I just wanted to talk a walk down memory lane with my beautiful wife." He says.

"So my handsome man do you really want to talk about the day we met?" I ask.

"Well I mean you were the one that crashed into me and knocked me into the lake." He says.

"Well if it wouldnt have happened we never would have been as close as we were and are now." I say.

"Yeah and thats why I wanted to bring you here. We are close and I was wondering if you wanted to have another child." He says.

"Another baby with you? Of course thats what I want. I love you." I say and kiss him.

We then went back to our place and started to make our next baby. I cant believe this is my life. If I hadnt been Wanting A Baby. I never would of had this wonderful life with the man I have always truly loved.

A/N: Well thats the end of Wanting A Baby. I hope you all enjoy it and Check out my two new stories.

1) Single Mother
2) Broken and Bruised

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