Chapter 24

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Emma's POV

This was finally my last month of my pregnancy god these 9 months really went by fast. Killian hasnt been working in the bar that much since he let Regina take control because this is what I wanted. Killian really has been very helpful this last month and I love it. Maybe I should just tell him I love him before the baby comes.

"Hey Killian while you were downstairs I made some dinner. Would you care to join me?" I ask once he walked back inside the apartment.

"Sure love. Though I have to ask when I left downstairs you were laying on the couch couldnt got up. So how did you get up to cook?" Killian asks me.

"It took a few tries, but I did it. Now sit and enjoy." I say.

Killian sat down and I just wanted to blurt it out that I loved him, but I decided to pace myself. I cant rush this I cant scare him away.

"Wow love. When you want to cook you do an amazing job." He says.

"Well thank you Killian." I say.

"Your welcome love." He says.

I didnt know what to say to him I was so nervous that I would loss him. I know he wont leave, but Im afraid he might not care about me.

"So how has Regina been working out downstairs?" I ask him.

"Well she is doing just fine. Except she wants me to double her pay." He says.

"Well thats Regina for you. Though Im sure if I were you I would check your register." I say.

"Nah I actually trust her. Now David he is the one that wont trust at the register." He says.

"Hey since the baby is almost here have you had any ideas about what we could possibly name our chid?" I ask.

"Well no actually. I thought maybe when we see our child maybe thats when we'll find a name for him or her." He says.

"You know I agree with you. Once the baby is here. We'll know the name." I say.

"My point exactly." He says.

Just looking at him and hearing the things he has to say about our child made me sure that it was time. It was time to tell him that I have feels for him. Its time to say Killian I love you.

"Killian... I... I.." I say but no words come out.

"You what Swan?" He questions.

"I... I... Owe." I say.

"Love what wrong?" He asks.

"I think the baby's coming." I say.

He helped me out of the chair and sat me on the couch and we waited for awhile and realized my contractions were five minutes apart. Killian and I headed to the hospital. I guess this little one didnt want me to tell it's daddy that I love him. Or maybe the baby just wants to be here when I tell Killian that I love him.

A/N: Hey I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers that celebrate it. Hope you have a wonderful day with the ones you love.

A/N: Hey you guys I was wondering if anyone would like to help me out with the gender of the baby please let me know what kind of gender the baby could be.

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