Chapter 39

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Killian's POV

Emma was still pretty mad at me and I understand why. I scared her half to death the other night. I want to make her feel better I just dont really know how to do that.

"Emma still mad at you?" David asks.

"Yeah and I dont know what I should do about this." I say.

"Just tell her your sorry." He says.

"I have. She just doesnt want to except my apology right now." I say.

"How about you surprise her with a home cooked meal or something. Im sure she'll love that." Regina says.

"Have you been here the hole time?" David asks.

"Im working and your sitting at the bar. Dummy." Regina says.

"Guys stop fighting this is important. Regina your right I should do something big to get her to forgive me." I say.

"Robin and I will take Jade tonight. You just do something to make her feel special." Regina says.

"Thanks Regina." I say.

Robin came over and took Jade and Emma was alittle confused. I had Snow took Emma somewhere for a couple hours. I cooked Emma's favorite food and she should hopefully forgive me.

"Killian? Whats that smell?" Emma asks walking in.

"I made food. All your favorites. Emma this is all for you. Im so sorry for scarring you the other night. This is my way to make it for it. I love you." I say to her.

"Killian this is so wonderful of you and Im happy that you have done this for me. I love you so much. Thank you for doing this." She says and hugs me.

We eat some dinner and once we were done we moved to the couch and Emma had rested her head on my shoulder. I kissed her head and I knew one thing that I wanted to be with Emma forever.

"Emma do you want more then what we are now?" I ask.

"You mean do I see myself as more then your girlfriend and your baby mamma? Yeah I can see that. Do you want that?" She asks.

"Of course I do. I love you Emma Swan." I say.

"I love you too Killian Jones." She says.

I kissed her and thats when I knew tomorrow Im going ring shopping to ask my love to marry me and be my Swan for now and forever.

A/N: Okay Oncers its Once Day today. Remember its on ABC Tonight at 8pm. If you can watch it LIVE. You should that way we get the views up. The more views we have the more likely another season. If another season we might get more Emma which means more CaptainSwan. So remember to watch it LIVE. Oh and Happy Once Day Everyone.

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