Chapter 10

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Emma's POV

Time was almost up. The three months have gone by quick and now I have too tell Killian I failed. Well I really didnt fail Im closer with Killian, but since he doesnt love me it doesnt count. Once the clock strikes 12am tonight that mean Times Up. Oh boy now Im nervous.

"Hey Swan." Killian says walking into the living room.

"Hey how was work?" I ask.

"Oh it was fine. So three more hours till I know how you did with your three months. Did you find what you were looking for?" He asks me.

"Umm... Cant tell you till midnight." I say.

"Right. Look I can head back down and help Robin if you want to be here alone." He says.

"No thats okay. Stay I made chicken if you want any." I say.

"Oh.. Thanks love." He says.

"Hey I got another message from Neal. What should I do about it?" I ask.

"If I were you I'd say I was moving out of the country. Tell him to go before you and burn every legal document he has and destroy his credit cards. Tell him when you arrive you'll do the same. Then when it comes to the day and time you should arrive tell him you missed the flight. Tell him your new flight was about to leave and then tell him to smash his phone. Then change your number and your free from Neal." He says.

"That wont work." I say.

"How do you think Robin got rid of Marian?" He questions.

"Let me guess you were making a joke Regina heard the plan and decided to use it and it worked?" I ask.

"Yeah pretty much. So on another note if this finding what your looking for thing sadly fails... Does that mean we will have to try and make a baby tonight?" He asks me.

"Well I guess you'll find out at midnight." I say.

"Okay until then love." He says.

I walked into my room and stared at my clock as time went by. Before I knew it the clock said 12:00. I walked out of my room and Killian was watching TV.

"I failed. I tried and I failed, but if you dont want to do this we dont have too." I say.

"A promise is a promise." He says.

He got off the couch and kissed me and the next thing I knew we were in his room with our clothes flying off. Tonight might give us a child and if not we get to do this once again so we can make our baby. I gotta say Killian is the best I've ever had.

A/N: Okay Oncers its Once Day today. Remember its on ABC Tonight at 8pm. If you can watch it LIVE. You should that way we get the views up. The more views we have the more likely another season. If another season we might get more Emma which means more CaptainSwan. So remember to watch it LIVE. Oh and Happy Once Day Everyone.

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