Chapter 7

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Killian's POV

Its only been a week since Emma and I decided that we would be having sex to make a baby if she doesnt find what she is looking for. I mean that was my idea and now Im hoping she finds whatever it is she wants because Im scared I will be a failure of a father.

"Hey there Mr.Sex-pact." David says.

"David its not a sex pact. Its a plant a baby inside Emma promise." Robin says.

"Okay first off shut up and second how the hell do you guys know about it?" I question.

"Emma told Snow and Regina and they told us." David says.

"Great... Just Great. You guys gotta help me. Help me find what Emma wants. Im starting to regret what I said." I say.

"Sorry mate, but no. You cant just say hey if you dont find whatever it is your after 3months I'll Impregnate you and then go to your friends and try to get out of it. It doesnt work that way." Robin says.

"Well if I do go through with this yes.... I'll get to have a night with Emma, and yes theres a chance we could end up being parents. I just cant help but think I'll mess everything up for Emma and the baby. I cant do that to Emma or a child of mine." I say.

"Killian you dont have to worry. You have 2 months and about 3 weeks until you have to worry." David says.

"But if I were you I'd talk to Emma. If anyone can help you with this its her." Robin says.

Later that day I went over to Emma's and when she opened the door she looked lovely. Even in her sweats.

"Hey what brings you here?" She asks me.

"We need to talk. Its important." I say.

"Of course come on in." She says.

I sat on her couch and she sat beside me. I know opening up isnt really a guys thing to do, but with Emma its easier to tell her things. Except when it comes to telling how I really feel.

"I just want to get this in the open. If we do end up having a child together... I dont think Im good enough to help you with that. Maybe I was wrong to stand in your way like that." I say.

"Killian look at me. I know its a scary feeling, but it hasnt happened yet. Though when the time comes and I havent found what Im looking for. I wont get in your way if you decide not to go along with the plan." She says.

"Really? And you wont hate me?" I question.

"Killian, you might feel differently about it if it comes to that. I just want you to know I would never make you do something that your not ready for." She says.

"Thanks Emma. Though this conversation makes it sound like your the guy not wanting to pressure me your woman for sex." I say.

"Ugh... There you go making things weird again." She says.

"Sorry." I say and began walking to the door.

"Hey I have something about this plan that worries me too. What if we do have sex and have a baby? Would it change our friendship and how you see me?" She asks walking over to me.

"Nothing could change our friendship and the way I look at you." I say and pull her into a hug.

Nothing would change the way I feel about her. The sex and the baby would only make me love her more. God why cant I just tell her how I feel. Then maybe just maybe she might feel the same as I do. But thats not gonna happen I really got to stop living in fantasy that ever happen.

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