The Wedding

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The music began to play and I realised that everyone would be watching me. The doors swung open and I slowly began to walk. I gulped. Poseidon was standing there smiling. Beside him was Hades and someone else. Zeus I think.

Oh no, all the gods are here. Don't embarrass yourself Amphititre. Head up, look straight ahead. This room was enormous. Finally, I reached him.

Poseidon was in traditional clothing. He wore a blue sash, as ruler of the realm. I soon figured out that Zeus leading the ceremony.

'Do you, Poseidon, ruler of the seas, take Amphititre as your wife?'

'I do.' He smiled at me.

'Do you, Amphititre, daughter of Doris and Glaucus, take Poseidon as your husband?'

'I do.'

Poseidon let out his breath in relief.

'Your vows.'

I had forgotten to prepare this.  Thankfully Poseidon went first.

'I take you as my wife, as my equal, and as my queen. You have my full support always and I will listen to you always. I put my full trust in you and I will always be loyal. You are my light.'

My turn. Deep breath.

'I will always be there for you, helping you through everything. We will have our ups and downs but we will always come out successful. I take you as my husband, as my equal, and as my king.'

Poseidon took my hand and the doors at the back opened to reveal a balcony off the palace where what seemed like the whole population stood below.

Poseidon spoke, 'Today you are witnessing the crowning of your Queen.'

He took a crown that was on a cushion and placed it on my head. I felt a surge of power flow through me. 

Then Hades stepped up.

'As wife of our brother, we give you the drink of immortality. Promise us that you will stand alongside the Gods of Olympus. '

'I promise.'

He handed me a silver chalice. The moment I drank it I felt renewed.

'Let the celebrations begin!'

With a click of Poseidon's fingers, large tables appeared and servants brought in food. At the head of the main table were two elaborate chairs, for Poseidon and I.

The food was absolutely delicious. I need to visit the cook and discuss more recipes.

Most of the guests were gods and goddesses, major and minor. Others were important officials of the court.  Across the realm, parties were supposedly being held in celebration.

It still hasn't hit me; the grand scale of these events. And how they were all about me.

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