Moving On

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Again, this is just in Poseidon's view. Please vote and comment if you like it. Thanks and enjoy!

The library was dimly lit, but my presence made the torches immediately brighten. I had got rid of all my duties for the day just so that I could solve the mystery of that change of heart. The walls were lined with thousands of books, all grouped into sections. I searched for a specific series. The books that Oceanus, the Titan of the Sea wrote. He was a prosperous ruler before he turned to an evil side. They were locked inside a cage of powers that only I could access.

When I had just become the ruler of the sea, I had no experience of being a king, I used a lot of my power on opening and closing the cage to learn from his autobiographies. I had learnt whatever I required and then rarely came back to the library. Now I had to reopen this diary, but I was very tentative of doing so. He had done such horrible things to citizens that I did not want to read.

I searched through other books, finding nothing but 'changes of heart always comes from love.' I paid no attention to these comments as they clearly did not mean anything. The only other information that could be of interest was that anything you felt could be controlled by the Fates.

Even though the Gods were released from the control of the Fates, they sometimes felt that adding something would change a bad decision that we might have made. Personally, I found this great when I was a novice at the job I had, but now I felt that nothing I have done or ever will do will be bad on my part.

My interest in the competition that had recently ended with Athena dwindled. I already had a city and entire realm to look after. As such a strong ruler, I was sure she would see that as an opportunity. I myself do not know why I gave up on it in the end.

After I could not find anything so my last resort was to open Oceanus' books. Calling on all of my power, I slowly managed to open the chest that contained them. I could not find anything, which meant it did have to do with the Fates. If he was still in the ocean and never experienced anything unusual, Zeus had not been born nor had the Fates come into existence.

I left the library disheartened. Nothing in my extensive collection had helped me. I decided that I did not want to go back to my court so I left the palace, telling only those who needed to know where I was. Putting on a disguise, I slipped out, swimming to the place I liked the most, the reef.

As I approached the reef, I could see how all the creatures could sense my presence as their ruler, but could not see where I was. I looked up and saw Doris' daughters all swimming around, helping out those they could.

One of them continually kept interacting with the fish and dolphins. She was a Nereid who was strong at communicating with other species. Again, I felt a strange feeling, the same one I felt a few days ago, but dismissed it.

I stayed on for a few more hours before I swam back to the palace. That feeling was nagging me, but I kept in mind that I had to ask who that girl was. She would be powerful help in the palace.

When I got back, I immediately summoned Glaucus, one of my ministers. I asked him who that girl was. I found out she was Amphititre, one of the daughters of Doris and Nereus.

I made arrangements for her to come to the palace. Soon the invite was well on its way to her family's house.

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