chatper 1~ mother

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The Great Depression, the worst economic time of American history. 25 percent of america was unemployed. Families literaly starved of hunger. Familes were torn apart, women were left to feed the kids. Kids had to drop out of school to help the family.

I was one of those children. When I turned 16, I had to drop out of high school and help my family. My father had left us and became a hobbo. Once in a while in our mail box an evelope would contain some coins, I knew it was from my father. But it still wasn't enough. My mother worked three jobs, before the depression, then she only had one and it barely got us through.

My little brother James, was really sick. He had gotten influenza. This is where my story starts.

"HEY YOU KIDS COME BACK HERE!!" yelled the market man, as me and my little brother stole some of their fruits and vegatables, which were very expensive those days.

I smile as I run for dear life, we had gotten food. The wind blows my hair and how I loved this rush. The market man didn't follow us because he was a fat man, so he must've given up by the time we were out of sight.

We stopped at a corner, to catch our breath.

"Good job---guys." I said as I messed Jacob's hair. He slaps my hand off his hair."Let's go home."

When we got near the old apartments, we saw an ambulance outside of the apartments. I had a feeling at the pit of my stomach. I ignored it.

Two men came out carrying a dead body. One of the hand is hanging out, I immediately recognized the hand of my mother. I gasped and dropped the food and ran to my mother.

"Ma! Ma!" I said as I shook her cold body, tears falling.

"Miss, Miss." said a parademic, as he pulled me aside."are you the oldest daughter?"

I nod, not taking my eyes off my mother as she is put into the ambulance.

"I'm sorry Miss. She died of sorrow. Her heart stopped beating." the paramedic said, sympathy in his eyes.

" am I going to do with four little children?" I asked to myself than to the parademic. I wipe the tears of my cheeks and the sweat off my forehead.

"I'm sorry." is all he said and turned away."We'll contact you soon." He walks off. The sirens turn on and I fall to my knees sobbing.

"Where did they take mama?" asked the youngest Olivia. I look at her and pull her into a hug.

"Mama, went to heaven." I sobbed.

"What?" said Jacob, as he bend down and hugged me.

"Mama, is in a better place. She's in heaven....where it's warm and food." I said.

"I wanna go to heaven." said Olivia. I shake my head as I take by the shoulders and slightly shook her.

"Don't ever say that." I said a bit angry by her comment.

"I wanna be with mama." Jacob said.

"Soon, we'll join her, but we must fight, until we draw our last breath, you hear me." I said looking at both of them in the eyes.

They nod their heads. I put on a smile for them.

"Take the food and go inside and feed James." I ordered. They immediately move and start to grab the food. I wait until they enter the apartment building, and then I break down and cry even harder.

What was I going to do? I'm only 16 years old, I have no job, no experience, no nothing.

It was twilight time, the sun was going down and the moon was rising.

"I can't do this by myself." I said as I ran my hands through my black hair. My grey eyes all wet from tears.

"You're not alone." a male's voice made me jump to my feet. I looked at the owner of the voice. I wiped the tears off my eyes, because the man looked blurry. My eyes widen as I recognized the man.

"Fa--father?" I stuttered. He smiles at me. He pulled me into a hug, into his nice suit and I was shocked. Where did he got the suit?

"I've missed you kids so much." he said his voice cracked.

"Wha--what are you doing here?" I said as I pushed myself away from him.

"I came back for you guys. I found a stable job...I want you and your brothers and sister, to come live with me." he said as he smiled with his white teeth.

"Where?" I asked.

"Massachusetts." he said."It's a quiet place, where the depression doesn't exsist." he said, I looked at him and noticed something different about him, I couldn't put my finger on it, but there was something different about him. Well he did look pale.

"Mother, just died a few minutes ago." I said in a sad tone. His face turns into an almost irritated one.

"I know, that's why you need to come with me. You'll have food, shelter and a heater." he said.

How could've I said no? It was a time of need, I had to think about my brothers and sister.

"Come inside, we'll tell them." I said putting on a smile.

When I told them we were moving, they were sad about leaving their friends behind, but I convinced them, telling them, we would have food and heater. James put on a small smile.

"He needs a doctor." I said as I replaced the towel on his forehead.

"Don't worry the family I live with wil help us." he said.

"Family?" I asked him.

"I work for a really wealthy family. They gave me a job, then they told me if I had family, I told them about all of you. They said I could bring all of you, to come live with me." he said.

I didn't really made a big thing about it. Like I said, I was desparate to keep my family save.


The train ride wasn't long, it was only a few hours. My brothers and sisters. I guess I should introduce them by now.

Jacob is the oldest of the four he was 11, then there was James, he was 9 years old, then it's Daniel was 7 and there is Olivia she was 4. I was and am, the oldest.

My father, who was now sitting next to me, left us almost in the worst time. My mother was pregnant with Olivia, she was nine months, I was 12 when I helped my mother give birth to Olivia. Olivia was like my own kid, of course my brothers too.

After the train ride we got to a platform, we got our small belongings. It was weirdly almost empty. I should've turned and run with my brothers and sister. But I didn't.

We stepped outside of the platform and into a almost deserted place. I could see pine trees go on for miles and miles, almost impossible. I stood in awe and smelled the smell of pine. Something I've never done, since I had lived in New Jersey. This was a new beginning; I just didn't know it was also my doom.

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