9) Teardrops On My Guitar (Part Two)

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This was not working out for Taylor. She had tried to write a song but the original idea she had didn't make it onto the paper. Instead, something along the lines of this showed up.

"You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face, cause look at your face. And I'm so furious, at you for making me feel this way, but what can I say?...." Taylor stopped playing her piano as her eyebrows furrowed at the lyrics she had just sung. She was supposed to have a song that described her feelings in that moment not... this. She sighed and shook her head, continuing to write on a new piece of paper, the one she had crumpled up.

I had promised to stay, but I didn't

That sentence had to be in this song. She couldn't write this song without this sentence. Maybe it's not so simple, Taylor thought to herself as she jotted down some ideas. She would still keep gorgeous because it actually didn't sound too bad. Could be a hit.

The more words she wrote, the more papers she had balled up and thrown to the ground, the more tears she shed, the more chords she played on her guitar... they all helped create the song she now had. She had no clue if it was a good song or not but she saw it as not too bad in her eyes. Taylor was known for her songwriting so why wouldn't it be at least alright? Would she release the song to the public? Most likely as a bonus track on her deluxe version of the album later on.

She forced her lips into a small smile as she clutched the paper in her hands which were shaking crazily. Taylor couldn't understand why she was like this. Shaking, crying, just loosing it. Was it normal? It didn't seem normal, that's for sure. Heartbreak could easily cause that though, but she didn't think it had broken her that much. She couldn't go back though now, because it would just make things worse. Karlie probably didn't even want her back.


Karlie sat cross-legged on the floor, staring at the empty bottles in front of her. The place was a mess but did she care? No. She had been sitting in that same spot for almost the whole morning but she also didn't sleep at all the night before. The only thought that wanted to cross her mind was Taylor. Nothing else but the blue eyed girl who use to be her girlfriend. But due to her cluelessness, she had lost that girl.

Karlie was clueless about what would happen if she went to that bar and got drunk. She didn't know she would end up bringing home a guy. A guy?! For gods sake, she was suppose to be gay. Well... who knows? After all, that whole night had led her here. She was now alone, with no one to talk to or spend time with, no one she could spill her guts to, because all this thinking she had done in the past three or four hours was starting to give her a headache.

Should she get up? Well, Karlie didn't want to leave her spot on the floor but it was probably a good idea. A sigh escaped her lips as she moved for the first time since six in the morning. She finally got up, trying to regain her balance, and stumbled over to the kitchen. She needed something to eat, she was starving. As she got into the next room, she heard her ex's song love story start to play from behind her. She figured it was her phone which it was but she never went to answer it because right when she heard the chorus play, she froze.

Taylor, if she had just stayed but Karlie, if she had just never went to that bar... where would they be now? Would they be at the island, talking about the most random of things like their dreams or what they had planned on doing that day? Or would they already be at Taylor's studio with Karlie watching her girlfriend record on of her new songs then running over to hug her after she was done? Karlie always wondered what it would be like if they had even just talked it out, but that obviously wasn't a choice to Taylor. She never wanted to talk it out, she just wanted the easy way out. Exactly.

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