Chapter 18- The Flash is Born

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MacKenzie's POV

"Ahh." Barry groans through gritted teeth as he sits on the hospital bed so Caitlin can fix his shoulder. I cringe as she moves his arm, causing him to groan more.

"Okay, not gonna lie. This is gonna be quick but extremely painful." Caitlin says and Barry's phone rings.

"Oh, speaking of painful." He says, answering the phone. "Eddie, hey....great. I'll see you in a sec." Barry says. "Okay, lets do this."

Barry lays on his back on the bed and I go to the other side of him, grabbing his hand and smiling nervously at him.

"So, Barry..." Caitlin stalls. "When you said you were off duty last night, you weren't, visiting iris again. You know, in disguise? Cause that would be reckless and a little creepy."

"No." Barry says and I can tell he's lying.

"Good." Caitlin says. She grabs Barry's hand and snaps his shoulder back into place. Barry screams and squeezes my hand so hard I thought he was gonna break it.


Apparently Cisco found Tony's hideout through the satellites and told Barry about it. Or something like that. I don't know.

All I know is that I heard a crash through the coms.

"Barry?" I ask through the coms and I can feel the ground shaking.

"Come on, we gotta go find him." Cisco says, grabbing a jacket and running out of STAR labs. Caitlin and I do the same until I'm stopped by Dr. Wells.

"Mack, you can't go." He starts until I cut him off.

"Too bad." I tell him, grabbing my jacket and leaving.

I jump in the back of the car and Cisco starts driving.


"Barry?" Caitlin asks as we look around this metal site thing.

"Barry, where are you?" Cisco yells.

"Barry!" I yell, looking around.

"Caitlin, Mack, over here." Cisco says and we follow him. I see Barry on the ground under a bunch of stuff and the ground shakes a bit.

"Barry?" I ask.

"Barry, please say something." Caitlin gasps. We climb over the rubble and knocked over shelves to get to Barry. "Say something so we know you're okay." She says and I see blood on his cheek. Cisco pulls him slightly out from under the shelves.

"Ow." Barry groans.

"Get him out of there!" Caitlin tells Cisco. He pulls Barry out and I give him a hug. We help him to the car and I fear what Dr. Wells will say.

And I had every right to fear cause he was yelling when we got back.

"What were you thinking? What were you thinking!" Dr. Wells yells as Caitlin fixes Barry up. I stand with my arms crossed next to Cisco, closing my eyes so my quakes wouldn't go off. "I told you that we would figure out a way to deal with him."

"I'll heal." I hear Barry say.

"You can't heal when you're dead." Dr. Wells says, and I open my eyes, looking nervously at Cisco. I don't like the thought of Barry getting really hurt or dying from the metas. Cisco puts a hand on my shoulder. "He could have killed you."

"I know, alright. I know!" Barry yells, standing up and walking over to the middle of the cortex. Oh, gosh, yelling. The ground slightly shakes and Cisco winces as he takes his hand off of me and that makes me more nervous. "In the past 36 hours I've had my ass handed to me twice by the guy that tortured me as a kid! I couldn't stop him then and I can't stop him now! Even with my powers I'm still powerless against him!" Barry yells, his face getting red and my quakes getting stronger.

I close my eyes again and sit down on the floor, my head leaning against the desk as my quakes get stronger, but no one seems to care at the moment.

Now, I know it seems stupid that my quakes are because I get nervous or scared or mad or stuff like that. But you gotta remember, I'm a kid. And my quakes don't always generate from people yelling, which it probably seems like they do all the time. But I get nervous when people yell and my quakes go, but they're very little. What makes my quakes strong is that I get nervous because of my quakes. So I get scared of my own power, causing my power to get stronger and stronger because I'm scared of them.

I just had to clear that up because 1) I finally, sorta kinda maybe almost, understand it. And 2) some people don't understand my powers a whole lot. But then again, who does.

Anyways...back to the story.

I tune back in to hear Dr. Wells talk about hitting Tony really really fast.

"Do it right, you'll take him down." Dr. Wells says.

"Do it wrong, you'll shatter every bone in your body." Caitlin says. Thanks, Cait, that's not helping my quakes very much. My breathing quickens.

I open my eyes to see Barry walk out, followed by Dr. Wells leaving as well.

Cisco comes around the corner of the desk. He kneels in front of me and attached a patch connected to a wire to my temple and does the same to the other side of my head.

I guess I'm getting tested now.

Caitlin watches Cisco type on the computer and I listen to the keys clack behind me.

"What are you doing?" Caitlin asks.

"Testing her." Cisco simply states. "I didn't think I'd be able to get her quakes started, but now that they're going cause of all the yelling, this is the perfect time to test her."

"Cisco..." I say quietly, trailing off a little.

"You're Okay, Mack." He reassures me, running over to where I was sitting and kneeling next to me. "You're Okay." He says again.

My eyes get heavier and my body feels weak. Then, my eyes roll back and I pass out, the last thing I saw was Cisco catching me.


Hope you liked that chapter! Skipped around a little but I hope you still were able to follow it. Don't forget to vote and comment. Next chapter up by FRIDAY.


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