Chapter 32- The Sound and The Fury

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MacKenzie's POV

"Barry, there's an intersection coming up. Hurry!" Caitlin says as we watch Barry's dot move on the screen. He's chasing people on motorcycles, which is kinda cool.

I was sitting on the desk next to Caitlin. Remember how my wrist was frozen? Yea, it's mostly better now. It's still in a sling but I can move my fingers a little better than a couple days ago, so that's a plus.


"This should slow 'em down." Cisco says. He makes the traffic light go red but I watch the two motorcycle guys split up, going faster.

"That did not slow 'em down." I tell Cisco.

"You know what..." Cisco says. "I tried."

"Guys, which way?" Barry asks through the coms.

"Left." Caitlin says at the same time Cisco says right. Then they try again. "Right." She says but Cisco says left.

"Stop! You both hear you're telling me two different things, right?" Barry asks.

"Barry, listen up. Listen carefully. Here is what you're going to do." Dr. Wells says and Barry starts to run and follow Dr. wells' directions. "Now, Queen is trying to make it to the bridge, but I have a shortcut— wait for it— and...left...left...right..." and Barry follows.

"I see her." Barry says.

"Make her go west before Fremont." Dr. Wells says.

"Okay, How?" Barry quickly asks.

"I'd recommend a detour." Dr. Wells says. "Now, The king is headed for the entrance to the interstate."

"What entrance?" Barry asks, blocking the entrance.

"Atta boy." Dr. Wells says. "Check...mate..." Dr. Wells says once Barry catches the bad guys.

Barry zooms into the cortex, taking the mask off his face.

"Give me some!" Cisco excitedly says to Barry, getting a high five. I go over for a high five too, but I can only use my right hand for obvious reasons.

"Efficiently Donte, Mr. Allen." Dr. Wells tells him.

"We need a picture." Cisco says.

"Pretty sure rule number one of having a secret identity is not taking pictures of yourself in your super suit without a mask on." Barry says.

"Oh, come one, please?" Cisco asks. "This is just for us. This is to document all this."

"Who knows? Maybe people in the future will want to know how all this happened." Dr. Wells says.

"Alright, Well, If you want the future to have the whole story, then, we all need to be in it." Barry says.

"First, let me put on some makeup?" Caitlin asks.

"The future does not care about your makeup." Cisco says and Barry agrees.

"You're fine." I tell her. I tighten my ponytail with one hand and smooth out my jean overall shorts.

Barry stands there with the phone and we all get together.

"Okay. Big smiles." Barry says and as soon as he takes the picture he superspeeds next to us and then catches the phone a split second later.

"Does that count as a selfie?" Caitlin asks.

"Absolutely." Barry says.

"Sick." Cisco laughs. "Came out good."

Cisco, Caitlin, and I go over and sit at the computers, Well, they were sitting in the chairs and I was on the desk and Barry went over to talk to Dr. Wells.

"See ya." I say when I see Barry leaving the cortex and he waves back to me.

"Can I take this off?" I ask Caitlin, pointing to the sling and splint. "Please?"

"Let me see your arm." She says. She takes the sling off and my arm falls limp to my side. "No, you cannot take it off." She says.

I try really hard to lift my arm up, but it isn't working too well, I guess moving my fingers is the only thing I can do right now.


Comment and vote. Super sorry that chapter was so short. Next longer chapter up FRIDAY a.k.a TOMORROW. 


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