Chapter 22- Power Outage

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MacKenzie's POV

Falling sideways, I was caught by Barry. But I didn't pass out which is weird.

I tried to stand up but I fall to the ground, so weak I couldn't pick myself up.

"Ow." I say weakly, trying to lift my arm, only to fail. Barry and Caitlin looked at each other worriedly.

"I got her." Barry says, lifting my limp body and carrying me against his chest.

I was walked through the halls until we heard electricity.

That can't be good.

Then, an electric ball shot towards the back wall.

"Tony." Barry says, putting me down on my feet. I lean against the wall with all my might but fall to the ground. "Hey, Tony, what are you doing?" Barry asks and through my blurry vision I see him kneeling next to Tony.

"Oh, come on. You know me, Allen. I never run from a fight." Tony gasps out.

"Alright. Well, stay it me, okay? You're good." Barry tells him.

"Run." Is all Tony says.

"What? Hey, Tony." Barry says as Tony lowers his head to the ground. "No." Barry says when Tony dies.

Electro man rounds the corner.

"Barry." Caitlin gasps, grabbing him and running. Barry grabs me and carries me against his chest as he's supported by Caitlin.

"You're winded, that's not good." Cisco says to Barry as he limps through the door with me in his arms. Barry tiredly hands me off to Cisco and sits down.

"I need to take your blood and figure out what happened." Caitlin says.

"I can't believe he's dead." Barry gasps and Cisco leans me in the corner as they talk.

"I did." Is the next thing I hear from Dr. Wells as he comes in the room. I fight to stay conscious as I listen to the conversation. "I released him."

"Why?" Barry asks.

"To divert our intruder's attention while we worked to restore your speed." Dr. Wells explains.

"You used him as a distraction?" Barry asks.

"An unnecessary one, as it turns out. It seems the plan has failed." Dr. Wells says.

"I have his blood on me." Barry tells Dr. Wells. "How could you do that?"

"You're showing a lot of sentiment for a man who tormented you as a child." Dr. Wells replies.

"Tony might have been a bully now and then but he didn't deserve to die." Barry raises his voice

"Does Caitlin or Cisco or me or you? I had a choice to make, him of us. I chose us without a second thought." Dr. Wells says.

"Well, all your talk about miracle cures and scientific breakthroughs, but you don't care about people at all." Barry says.

"Well maybe you care too much, Barry." Dr. Wells shoots.

"I know being a hero is important to you, and I respect your ideals. I just don't have the luxury of sharing them."

"I forgot." Barry says. "Your game's chess. We're all just pawns to you. Right? So what's your move, doctor? Which one of us gets sacrificed next?" Barry asks.

My eyes get heavier and I cough.

"Guys, we're losing Mack." I hear Cisco say as I fight to stay awake.

"We have to get out of the facility." Dr. Wells says. They all talk for a while until I hear Caitlin.

"You asked if I believed you were struck by lightening for a reason, if you were chose. I believe. You should too." She tells Barry.

A loud bang sounds in the hallway and shakes the room.

"Mmm." I whimper weakly.

"It's okay." Cisco says, picking me up and running out with me. "You're gonna be okay." Cisco whispers in my ear. "Hey, Mack. Stay with me." He says as my eyes droop close.

I try my best to keep them open but I can't any longer and darkness soon consumes me.


Hope you liked that chapter. Sorry it skipped around a lot, but I just needed to quickly find a way to end the episode. Next chapter will, hopefully, be longer and better. Vote and comment. Next chapter up SUNDAY. 


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