Chapter 30- Revenge of the Rogues

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MacKenzie's POV

Barry was speeding down the air strip, dodging a drone that was shooting at him.

"That was too close." Caitlin says to Cisco who was controlling the drone. I pull through sleeves of my hoodie down and cross my arms over my chest as I watch Barry run from next to Cisco.

"He told me to make it hard." Cisco simply says.

"Pretty sure he didn't tell you to make him dead." Caitlin says.

"That's a good point." I say.

"Remember, This is just supposed to be a training exercise to improve Barry's speed." Dr. Wells tells Cisco.

"Cisco, you gonna bring it or what?" Barry asks through the coms.

Cisco looks at Dr. Wells.

"Bring it." Dr. Wells says.

Caitlin looks through her binoculars at Barry and I watch the drone shoot missiles. An explosion causes Barry to fall to the ground and we're all quiet.

"Why isn't he running away?" Caitlin asks as Barry stands there for the drone to hit him.

"Barry, run." I whisper.

The drone shoots at Barry again and Barry grabs the missile, slamming it into the drone and destroying it.

"Woah." I say.

Barry then came over to us, got out of his suit and ate like 800 orders of Big Belly Burger in seconds.

"Very impressive, Mr. Allen." Dr. Wells tells him and I was unsure if he was talking about his training or the fact that he just ate all that food in 20 seconds. "Your reaction to stimuli at superspeed continues to improve." It was about training.

"It's still not enough." Barry says.

"It will be." Dr. Wells assures him. "You keep working like you are, you stay focused like you are, and you will be ready the next time the man in the Yellow Suit comes around."

"I think you mean the Reverse-Flash." Cisco says. "What? He said it not me. And he's right. Yellow Suit, red lightening, and evil— the reverse of Barry."

"Meh." Caitlin says.

"Actually I kind of like it." Dr. Wells says.

"Alright, I'm still ready for another round." Barry says. "How many more drones do you have left?"

"Two." Cisco says, going over to his drones. "And, they've got lasers."

"No." Caitlin, Dr. Wells, and I say.


"Captain Cold is back?" Cisco asks as we all walk into the cortex and I immediately go to sit on the desk.

"For a non-metahuman Leonard Snart is proving to be quite the nemesis." Dr. Wells says.

"He still has the cold gun. The one he stole from us, the one that I built." Cisco says.

"Well, What does he want this time?" Caitlin asks.

"The Flash." Barry says. "If Snart wants a fight with The Flash, then I'll give him one."

"Well..." Dr. Wells trails off.

"You don't think I should?" Barry asks.

"I didn't say that but, Barry, as fast as you are you cannot be everywhere at once. And it becomes then a question of priorities. Now, in the last month, you have made a commitment to increasing your speed, enhancing your reflexes, and it's working. You're finally getting faster." Dr. Wells tells him.

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