Chapter Three- Pilot

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MacKenzie's POV

"Are you sure?" I hear Caitlin ask someone on the phone. "Superspeed?" She asks in the phone again as I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. "Okay. I'll be over as fast as I can." Caitlin quickly says, putting her phone down and walking to her room.

"Cait? What's up?" I ask her.

"Get ready. We need to go to the air strip." Caitlin says, closing her bedroom door so she can get changed.

"The air strip? What for?" I ask once she's out of her room.

"Cisco says that Barry thinks he has superspeed." She tells me.

"Wow." I say.

"Lets go." Caitlin says, grabbing her keys and walking out the door. I follow her out the door and into her car. We drive to the air strip where a STAR labs truck is waiting for us.

"Hey Caitlin. Mack." Cisco says to us when we arrive. Dr. Wells was under a cabana tent like thing to keep some of the misting rain off of him.

"You don't really believe he can run that fast, do you?" Caitlin asks Dr. Wells.

"Well, I believe anything is possible, and in a few minutes, maybe you will too." Dr. Wells answers.

"How's it fit?" Cisco asks inside the truck. I walk over to him and see Barry come out in a little red leotard outfit thing and I couldn't help the uncontrollable laughter that was coming from me.

"It's a little snug." Barry says, stepping down.

"At least you'll be moving so fast no one will see you." Cisco says, walking over with Barry and I follow. "See, you though the world was slowing down, it wasn't. You were moving so fast it only looked like everyone else was standing still." Cisco explains to Barry. "Dr. Wells will be managing your energy output and Caitlin your vitals." Cisco says.

"What do you do?" Barry asks.

"I make the toys, man. Check it." Cisco says, pulling something out of his pocket. "This is a two way headset with a camera I modified. Typically designed to combat battlefield impulse noise or in your case, potential sonic booms, which would be awesome." Cisco says and Barry lets out a laugh. Cisco takes the helmet and leaves to fix it and Caitlin comes over to check on Barry.

"What?" Caitlin asks, after catching Barry stating at her.

"Nothing. I just noticed you don't smile too much. Neither of you." Barry says to the two of us.

"My once promising career in bioengineering is over, my boss is in a wheelchair for life, the explosion that put you in a coma also killed my fiancé, and Mack's brother." I put my head down. "So this blank expression kinda feels like the way to go." Caitlin explains. She walks away and I walk with her while Dr. Wells tells Barry to be careful.

Barry gets into a track position, Cisco with a speed clocker behind him, and then he takes off. His speed was so fast that he blew Cisco back and Caitlin and I stumbled.

"He just passed 200 miles per hour." Cisco says.

"Its not possible." Caitlin whispers, putting the binoculars she was looking through down.

As I was watching Barry, I started to shake. I had Ronnie's hoodie on, so I didn't really have a reason to be cold, but I guess I was. I walk a little away from the group to try and warm up by moving. And then, I realized that it wasn't just me shaking, it was the ground under me too.

"Cait?!" I yell to her nervously. She looks over at me shaking and walks over.

"Mack, you okay?" Caitlin asks. She puts a hand on my shoulders but quickly pulls it away. "Cisco!" She yells. "Something's wrong!" She calls to him.

"Mack?!" Cisco yells, running over as my eyes get heavier. "Mack, stay with me." He says. He takes my hand but has the same reaction as Caitlin. "Sit." He directs and I follow, sitting on the cold wet ground of the air strip and Cisco squats next to me.

"C-Cisco. What's ha-happening to me?" I ask, scared.

"I don't know." Cisco says. "Maybe she has powers?" Cisco says, looking up at Caitlin. "Like Barry has speed, maybe she has some kind of quaking power or something." He quickly says to her. "We gotta get her to the lab."

"How?" Caitlin asks, standing next to the spot I was at. "We can't touch her without her 'quakes' transferring over and hurting us." Caitlin says and I look down and my trembling hands.

"Sedate her?" Cisco whispers, standing up.

"Good idea. I might have some sedatives in the truck." Caitlin says. She turns around and hurries over to the truck to get them.

"You're gonna be okay." Cisco says, bending down to my level again.

"What if I'm not?" I ask. "I can't control...whatever this is and it's only getting stronger and-and..." I choke out through my tears, burying my head in my hands and leaning my elbows in my knees.

"Hey." Cisco says. "You need to relax. They're getting stronger as you get more nervous. Just try and relax." He coaches me.

"I can't." I say. Caitlin comes over and gives me the shot and the trembling stood. All is quiet and I'm relieved. Until I pass out.

Before I lose consciousness I can hear Caitlin's distant voice.

"Cisco!" Barry crashed!" She yells and I slip out into darkness. 


This chapter's a little longer. Hope you like how I put MacKenzie's powers in this chapter. Next chapter will be up soon.


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