Chapter 27- The Man in the Yellow Suit

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MacKenzie's POV

It's Christmas time in Central City and Barry brought us presents to the cortex.

"Merry Christmas." Barry says, handing out things from a bag. "It's a small token of my gratitude for everything you guys have done for me this year."

"I think I speak on behalf of my colleagues when I say you've been a gift for us, Barry." Dr. Wells says. Barry hands me a small box that fits in my hand and I put it in my pocket for later.

"What's that?" Caitlin asks.

"This is compliments of Iris, Grandma Esther's famous eggnog." Barry says, holding a thermos.

"That's what I'm talking about." Cisco say.

"Maybe later for me." Dr. Wells says, wheeling out of the cortex. "Wouldn't want to drink and drive."

"Did I say something wrong?" Barry whispers to Caitlin, Cisco and I.

"No." The three of us say.

" used to be his favorite time of year but the accident happened before Christmas, so...kind of ruined the holidays." Cisco explains.

"I'm gonna go get him a present. Maybe that'll cheer him up." Caitlin says.

"I'll go with you." I tell her and she nods.

"Thank you very much." Caitlin says to Barry, holding the gift up.

"Yeah." Barry says.

Caitlin grabs my hand and we leave the boys in the cortex and head out to her car.


Caitlin and I, Well Caitlin, bought a gift for Dr. Wells and Cisco called on Caitlin's phone.

"It was that or Stephen Hawking's new autobiography, and we both know how he feels about Hawking." Caitlin says to Cisco. "Okay. I'll talk to you later, bye, Cisco." She says, hanging up the phone.

We walk over to Caitlin's car and I feel something weird.

It's like a tug on my heart.

Caitlin walks over to unlock her car while I go over to the steps, sure I saw a person. As I get closer to the steps, the tug on my heart gets stronger.

I round the corner and see a man walking away.

"Cait." I call her name, hoping she follows after me.

And she does.

The two of us follow the man to a corner of the parking garage. He's all dirty, with a bulky jacket and jeans.

Caitlin and I watch as his hands and head light on fire and my jaw drops. The ground starts to quake a little as the man starts to turn around and the tug on my heart gets stronger.

I hold my hand over my heart as the man turns to face us.

"Ronnie." I breathe out and my quakes die off. Tears form in my eyes and Caitlin pulls me away, running back to the car.

"Cait!" I protest as she drags me away. "Cait, stop!" I say.

"Mack. We gotta go." Caitlin tells me.

"But that was Ronnie." I whisper to her.

"How do you know?" Caitlin asks, opening the door to her car.

"I felt it. In my heart." I tell her, putting my hand over my heart again and letting a tear drop. 


Sorry that chapter was super short but I needed Mack and Caitlin finding Ronnie to be the last part of the chapter. Next chapter will be longer. Don't forget to comment and hit That star button. Next chapter up on WEDNESDAY. 


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