Chapter 54- The Trap

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MacKenzie's POV

Eddie, Cisco, Barry, Joe and I were in the bunker later that day.

"So Wells set up a fake showdown with a fake opponent who was never really there?" Eddie asks as we stare at the man in yellow's hologram in the trap.

"It creeps me out." I mutter under my breath I lay my head against Barry's shoulder, who's carrying me.

"He figured if we saw both of them together it would prove that he wasn't the man in yellow." Barry says.

"This all just keeps getting crazier and crazier." Eddie says.

Cisco powers down the trap with the hologram and we turn around to see Caitlin coming out of the elevator.

"I just talked to Dr. Wells. He's attending a lecture downtown and won't be back until 5:00." Caitlin tells us.

"Alright, Cisco, Mack, you know when he gets here you need to be working on the trap so he sees you set off the hologram." Barry says to us.

"Hold on, isn't that, in your dream,when everything went all..." Joe trails off.

"Kali Ma, Temple of Doom." Cisco says. "Yeah. That definently happened. But this time we'll be ready for him. Right?"

"Yea." I say.

"We originally designed the forcefield to keep a speedster from getting out." Cisco says.

"But we've reversed it so it won't let one in." I say with a smile.

Cisco presses a button on the remote and the forcefield activates with him inside of it. He points to Barry and motions for him to run at the forcefield.

Barry nods and puts me down.

"Back Up." Barry tells us.

Barry superspeeds at the forcefield, but because he's a speedster he can't get in so he shoots right off of it and slams into the wall.

"Barry are you okay?" Caitlin asks.

"It works." Barry breathes. Joe helps him up.

"Okay. As long at we're inside, Wells won't be able to get near us." Cisco says.

"And I will be in your cortex watching and recording everything that happens." Caitlin says.

"As soon as we get the confession we need to free my dad, I'm moving in." Barry says.

"So what do I do?" Eddie asks.

"Wells also threatened Iris, so if something goes wrong here we need you to keep an eye on her until Wells is neutralized." Joe says.

"I'll always keep Iris safe, Joe." Eddie says before he leaves.

Barry and Joe leave, Caitlin leaves to go to the cortex and Cisco and I stay in the bunker.

"You nervous?" Cisco asks after a little while.

"What?" I ask, snapping out of my day dream.

"You're, um, scratching your wrist, so...I know it's a tick." Cisco says.

"Oh." I say, I stop absentmindedly scratching my wrist. "Yea, I'm a little nervous." I say and look down.

"It's okay. I'm nervous too." Cisco says, holding onto my shoulders.

"Really?" I ask him.

"Yea. We just saw ourselves die in this exact scenario." Cisco points out. "Use your nervousness to work for you, not against you."

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