Chapter 5- Pilot

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MacKenzie's POV

"We weren't the only ones affected by the particle accelerator explosion, were we?!" I hear Barry yell as I sit up in the hospital bed in the corner.

"Ow. Stop yelling." I groan, holding my head.

"We don't know for sure." Dr. Wells says.

"You said the city was safe. That there was no residual danger." Barry angrily says, walking over to Dr. Wells. "But that's not true, so what really happened that night?!"

"Well," Dr. Wells starts and I stand up from the bed and walk over to the desk, hanging onto it so I didn't fall from how dizzy I was. "The accelerator went active. We all felt like heroes. And then, it all went wrong." Dr. Wells tells Barry. "The dimensional barrier ruptured unleashing unknown energies into our world." The tv shows a video of the explosion. "Antimatter, dark energy, x-elements-"

"Those are all theoretical." Barry cuts him off.

"And how theoretical are you and Mack?" Dr. Wells asks. "We mapped the dispersion throughout and around Central City though we have no way of knowing exactly what or...who was exposed. We've been searching for other metahumans, like you two."

"'Metahumans'?" I ask.

"That's what we're calling them." Caitlin says.

"I saw one today. He's a bank robber, and he can control the weather." Barry says.

"This just keeps getting cooler." Cisco excitedly says.

"This is not cool!" Barry yells at him. "Alright? A man died. Mardon must have gotten his powers the same way I did. From the storm cloud. He's still out there. We have to stop him before he hurts anyone else." Barry yells, walking towards the exit.

"Barry!" Dr. Wells yells. "That's a job for the police."

"I work for the police." Barry states.

"As a forensic assistant." Dr. Wells tells him.

"You're responsible for this. For him." Barry says.

"What's important is you!" Dr. Wells yells. "Not me. I lost everything." I look down at my feet as he said 'everything'. Ronnie was everything that mattered to me. I had lost everything too. "I lost my company. I lost my reputation. I lost my freedom." He says, banging his hand on the wheelchair. "And then you broke your arm and it healed in THREE HOURS. Inside your body could be a map to a whole new world, genetic therapies, vaccines, medicines, treasures buried deep within your cells and we cannot risk losing everything because you want to go out and play hero! You're not a hero. You're just a young man who was struck by lightening." And at that, Barry storms out of STAR labs.


Later that night at around 9:00, Barry had called Caitlin, Cisco, and I to STAR labs to talk to us. "I've been going over unsolved cases from the past nine months and there's been a sharp increase in unexplained deaths and missing people." Barry says. "Your metahumans have been busy. Now I'm not blaming you. I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen. I know you all lost something." Barry says, looking at Caitlin and I and we put our heads down. "But I need your help to catch Mardon and anyone else out there like him. But I can't do it without you." Barry finishes and Caitlin and Cisco look at each other.

"If we're gonna do this, I have something that might help." Cisco says with a smile. Cisco leads us to the spare room in the cortex and he spins around a table to show us a red suit. "Something I've been playing with. Designed to replace the turnouts firefighters traditionally wear. I thought if STAR labs could do something Nike for the community, maybe people who wouldn't be so angry at Dr. Wells anymore."

"How is it going to help me?" Barry asks, walking towards the suit.

"It's made of s reinforced tri-polymer. It's heat and abrasive resistant so it should withstand your moving at high velocity speeds. And the aerodynamic design should help you maintain control. Plus it had built-in sensors so we can track your vitals and stay in contact wig on it from here." Cisco finishes.

"Cool." I whisper.

"Mack, I started on one for you. But we need to get your powers under control." Cisco tells me and I nod, knowing that might never happen.

"Okay, now how do we find Mardon?" Barry asks.

"I retained STAR labs satellite to track meteorological abnormalities over central city." Caitlin says and we all look over her shoulder at the tablet screen. "We just got a ping. Atmospheric pressure dropped 20 millibars in a matter of seconds. I've tracked it to a farm just west of the city."

Barry supersped into his suit and ran to the farm Caitlin told him about. Cisco and Caitlin went to sit at the computers and I stood on the opposite side of the desk, propping my elbows up in the silver bar lining the desk.

"How do I stop it?" Barry yells through his coms. "Guys!" He yells again. "What if I unravel it?" Barry asks.

"How the hell are you gonna do that?" Caitlin asks.

"I'll run around it in the opposite direction, cut off its legs." Barry says.

"He'd have to clock 700 miles per hour to do that." Cisco tells us.

"Your body may not be able to handle those speeds. You'll die." Caitlin warns him.

"I have to try." Barry says and then, I guess, he tries to unravel it. I don't know cause I'm kinda not there, but still. I would love love LOVE to be able to fight crime with him out there, but until I can get these cursed powers under control, I'm stuck behind the computers.

"It's too strong!" Barry yells to us.

"You can do this, Barry." Dr. Wells says, rolling in next to Cisco. "You were right. I am responsible for all of this. So many people have been hurt because of me and when I looked at you, all I saw was a potential victim of my hubris. And yes, I created this madness, but you, Barry, you can stop it. You can do this. Now, run Barry RUN!" Dr. Wells encourages Barry.

We heard some kind of explosion thing a couple seconds later and we all looked at each other.

"Barry?" I ask through the coms, nervous when I don't hear a response and the room starts to lightly shake. Cisco, Caitlin, and Dr. Wells look at me and watch, scared. Probably scared for their lives, and I don't blame them. I'm a monster. My powers hurt people. "Barry! Answer me!" I yell to him.

"It's over." Barry says and we all look at each other, relieved. The room stops shaking and I let out a breath I'd been holding in. "I'm okay." He tells us.


The next day, Caitlin, Cisco and I were in STAR labs, no surprise there though. Caitlin and I walked in on Cisco fixing it Barry's suit.

"Why does it have a lightening bolt on it?" Caitlin asks.

"So it's not boring." Cisco says.

"Good point." I tell him.

"Mack, your suit is still in progress." Cisco tells me. "It's just a sketch idea of what I think is good. You can't use it until you can fully control your powers, but if you wanna see it, it's over there." He says, pointing to another table.

I walk over to the table and turn it around to reveal my suit. Leather black high waisted skinny jean shorts, a gray crop top shirt, high black converse and to top it off, a black beanie and a black mask to cover my eyes. This was totally me. Maybe not the mask part, but I could get used to it. First, I just gotta get control of my powers. This, was gonna take some time.


Last chapter of the pilot episode. Comment and vote. Tell me what you think. Gonna try to have more of Mack's power in the next few episodes/chapters. Next chapter up soon.


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