Chapter 80

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Don't get me wrong. I hate Matt for what he did, but I didn't expect him to be nice. I say thanks and stand up, taking Jack's shirt that I sleep in with me to the bathroom. I get changed quickly and go back out into the room, the boys have left, all except Nash, Hayes and Taylor.

"I'm going to go to sleep, come on Jaimee, so are you" she runs to me and I hand her pyjamas to her, she gets dressed in front of the boys, she's 3 she doesn't exactly care. I get in Hayes' bed and pat to the side of me, she gets in beside me and I wrap my arms around her. Hayes gets in beside me, kisses my forehead and turns over with his back to me.

"Night Sky" Taylor says also kissing my head "Night Jaimee" he adds quietly and kisses her head lightly, she's already fast sleep. He looks back to me "Are you going to be alright?" I nod

"I'll have to be, see you tomorrow" he waves to Skylynn who is still sat up in bed, she waves back and he shuts the door behind him. Nash gets in his bed and wraps his arms around Skylynn just as I had done with Jaimee. He turns off the lights and I close my eyes, drifting into a sleep.


I wake up early the next morning, my eyes blinded by the light that streams through the window. My arms are still wrapped around my little sister, I get out of bed trying not to wake her. I walk to the bathroom and turn the shower on. I wash my hair again, just because I have to sit in a car for a long time today so it will be more comfortable. I wash my body too and then get out of the shower, I make sure that I don't do anymore shower singing. I brush my hair and leave it to dry naturally, I pick out my bright pink hoodie and my black leggings and throw them on. I Straighten out Jaimee's clothes and leave them for her to put of when she wakes up.

I get my phone and pick up a room key and then walk out the door. I go back up to the roof, I sit on the bench where I declared my love to Matt, what an idiot I was, I should have seen he was going to hurt me.

I scroll through Instagram to see some new Skylar Potter hate accounts have been created, people are really taking their time to post about how much they hate me, a bit pathetic if you ask me. I close that app and then scroll through twitter, nothing has really changed. People are still sending me hate, looks like the tweets and vines didn't make much difference.

I'm about to create a tweet when something catches my eye. It's a link, from that girl I met a few days ago, what was her name? I think it was Marty? I open it and watch as the twitter app changes to a youtube video entitled #WeLoveYouSky. I watch all 7 minutes of the video to find that its tweets from thousands of different accounts all tweeting the hash tag. I never thought that this many people would take their time to make this video, it means a lot. I go back to the normal twitter app and compose a tweet.

'Thank you so much to everyone who was a part of the #WeLoveYouSky video, it really means the world to me right now' I press send and then create another 'To the rest of you that hate me, I want you to know that I would never do anything to hurt these boys, they are still my idols even though I've spent the last few days with them' and then a final tweet 'I will be leaving the boys today so you can stop sending me notes taped to my door telling me to kill myself, thanks'

That should do it. Instantaneously I get retweets and favourites on my three tweets and lots of people reply to my last one, the majority of them are along the lines of 'That's disgusting' or 'I'm sorry on behalf of them' stuff like that, even a hate account that has 20k followers tweeted about it: 'Whoever has been sending Sky notes you have to stop, its not cool and its hurting our boys' I look through the rest of their tweets, I can tell they haven't been a hate account for long because there is only a few tweets about me.

I decide to tweet the owner a simple 'Thank you' as a reply, she replies quickly after saying: 'I'm so sorry Sky, I never should have made this account, I can see now that you make the boys happy and that makes us happy' I retweet and favourite it. I then get a notification about a tweet that Matt has sent, yes believe it or not, I still get twitter notifications every time one of the boys tweets, like I said, I'm still a fangirl.

'@skylarpotter_ I am so sorry that I hurt you and I wish these people would stop hating on you' I take a second to think about it just before another tweet pops up 'To everyone who has been sending Sky hate because she's "hurting us", you're wrong. I hurt her and I'm sorry so please stop' as I reach the end of the sentence another notification pops up. This time it's Jack Johnson: 'Sky hasn't hurt us at all, if anything she's made our lives better, she makes us happy so stop with the hate guys' I favourite it and the rest of the boys all simultaneously tweet the exact same thing. I'm quite overwhelmed by it all.

(A/N: I don't know why I'm updating considering that some people were quite rude on the last update. Anyway, enjoy this update)

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