Chapter 7

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"Hello again"
Amy and I both turn sharply to see who it was.
"Oh hi again Zoe" I say politely
"Hi" Amy says very unenthusiastically
"I'd like to introduce you to my friend.. Aaron Carpenter" she says kissing him on the cheek. "He gave me a backstage pass earlier so I'll be seeing a lot more of the boys."
"Oh that's good" I say as Amy blurts out
"Yeah, Matt gave us backstage passes and Shawn offered us some but we already got them"
"Oh, whatever!" Zoe says spinning Aaron around and walking away, towards the escalator.

"She's so rude, I don't know why you're polite to her" Amy says rolling her eyes.
"Amy, I was bullied from the age of 5, I know that a little politeness goes a long way" I say. I don't really like to talk about that with anyone, but Amy makes me feel okay about it.
"Oh, yeah, I get it. Let's go get some food, I'm starving!"

"Amy! Sky! Wait up" I hear from behind me. I spin around to see Matt Espinosa running after us.
"Hi Matt" we say at the same time
"Are you girls going out?" He says winking "you look beautiful today by the way" he says looking at me.
"Er thanks? We're going to get some food"
"Wanna come with?" Amy says eagerly
"Sure, the boys are all asleep, they'll be asleep for hours so they won't even know I'm gone" Matt smiles.
"Sky is driving"
"You can drive? I thought you were like 15?"
"I am 15, I-I have no excuse" I laugh
"Ah, let's go!" Matt says running ahead.
Amy jumps in the back of the car and Matt gets in the passenger seat while I get in the drivers seat. Amy leans through the gap in the seats and turns on the music. The Shawn Mendes cd I made for her starts playing. Matt laughs.
"I'm gonna tell him you've made a cd of all his covers!"
"No please don't!" Amy cries. I can't help but laugh.
"It was me, I made it for her" I say defending Amy. Matt continues to laugh.
"It's cute"
"Sorry if this sounds rude but what did you and Amy whisper about earlier? I asked her and she wouldn't tell me" I question.
"I was telling her how beautiful she is" Matt must have seen the disappointment in my eyes because he adds "and how beautiful you are" he says turning to wink at Amy. There's something going on here but I don't know what.
"McDonalds?" Amy and Matt nod excitedly.
When we get back to the hotel after eating our food in the restaurant and buying more food for the boys. Matts idea.
"So do you girls want to come back to the room? I can't carry all this food on my own."
I look to Amy, she nods to me." We walk with Matt to room 1809.
"We are exactly one floor below you. We're in room 1709" I say giggling to myself. Matt opens to door to a worried looking Taylor and Carter.
"DUDDEEEE, where have you been?" Taylor says.
"You've been gone for like 2 hours" Carter adds.
"Sorry guys, we went to get food" Matt explains
"Who's we?" Carter asks confused. Amy and I step out into the open part of the hotel room. Matt and Amy leave to deliver the rest of the food to the boys. "Ahhh I see." Out of the corner of my eye I see Taylor checking himself in the mirror.
"Hi again" I say.
"It's Skylar right..?" Taylor says playing it cool.
"Er yeah, it's Taylor right..? Or are you Cameron?" I say jokingly. Taylor laughs and nods.
"I'm actually Aaron" playing along with the joke.
"Now I know you're not Aaron, he's stuck on the arm of some girl we met at magcon earlier."
"Oh really?" Carter says, getting his phone out, he must be texting Aaron I think. A few minutes later he adds "She's not lying, he's met some girl called Zoe"
"Sorry, here sit down" I perch on the end of Taylor's bed. He moves closer to me on the bed.
"I'm going to go and find Aaron and meet this Zoe girl, see ya later! It was nice to meet you Skylar"
"You can call me Sky, nice to meet you too Carter" he gives me a cheeky smile and kisses me on the cheek. I can feel myself blushing. Oh god, not now Skylar.

"So Skylar, I never got your phone number" Taylor says cheekily.
"Oh didn't you?" Winking at him "here let me have your phone" he hands me his phone and I save my number under Sky. "You can call me Sky you know"
"I know, I just prefer Skylar." He pauses and then leans in to kiss me but I stop him halfway.
"I should get going and see where Amy is" pretending that I didn't realise he wanted to kiss me. No Skylar, you like Matt. You've waited your whole life for a boy like Matt do not ruin this.
"Oh okay," he says disappointedly "here" he says handing me a red bandana that I've seen him wear in so many pictures. "I want you to have this, are you going to the VIP breakfast tomorrow morning?"
"Thanks, yeah I think so, if I can get Amy to wake up! Night Taylor" I say getting up and heading to the door.
"Night Skylar" he calls after me. I can't believe it. I almost kissed THE TAYLOR CANIFF! I have to find Amy to tell her.

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