Chapter 76

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"It's okay, if you want to go talk to him now I'll look after Jai for you" I shake my head
"I don't want to burden you with her" he shakes his head too
"You won't be, she's a great little girl" I smile and nod my head on agreement
"I think it depends where she's going to be living" I look over to see her still playing with Skylynn "I don't think I could live without her" she looks up to me and beams and then goes back to her game "she's a little life saver, she's the only reason I didn't end it"
"Sky, don't talk like that"
"It's true, she was the only thing keeping me here, well and you guys" he pulls me into another hug
"You, Skylar Potter are amazing and beautiful and just the best person in the world" I smile timidly "it's true, all those people in England were idiots. They are irrelevant now, you've got me and Nash and the rest of us so who needs them?"
"Not me, that's for sure" just as I finish my sentence my phone rings. It's my Dad. I stand up and walk outside away from the crowded hotel room.

"Hi dad"
"Er hey Sky, I can't talk for long, I just wanted to see if you'd had any thoughts on the move?"
"I'm up for Indiana"
"Really? I didn't think it would be such an easy choice. I really didn't think you'd pick there"
"Well it's not my choice is it?"
"It's partly your choice"
"I was gonna ask you, who is Jaimee living with?"
"We decided it's best for her to live with your mother, I'll be working all the time and you'll be at school"
"We've arranged for her to come to us in the holidays and some weekends but she'll be starting school in our current town"
"I really don't think I can live without her"
"Well it's your decision who you live with" I take a deep breath, there's nothing holding me back from the move apart from Jai. "Sky?"
"I want to live with you"
"You'll never know how glad I am to hear you say that"
"I love you dad"
"I love you too Sky, I'll call the firm today, tell them I'll take the job"
"Okay dad"
"I have to go now, I'll be by the hotel to pick you up later tomorrow okay?"
"To go home" I completely forgot about leaving, this means I'll have to leave the boys, my friends
"You have to go home sometime Sky"
"I know I know"
"Plus you won't be at home for long"
"I won't?"
"They want me to start as soon as possible, I've already got a possible place for us to live lined up"
"So you arranged all this before you even told me you and mum were splitting up?"
"Er" he pauses for a long time "yeah"
"I see, thanks for telling me so soon, does jai know?"
"She knows daddy isn't going to be around much"
"Right, so when exactly are we leaving for Indiana?"
"But today is Friday?"
"It's all happening quickly I know, if it will make you feel better you can bring your friend home with you"
"What friend?" I struggle to think of what friend he could be talking about "oh Amy? She's got her car and I don't think she'll be leaving the hospital for a while, plus me and her aren't really friends right now"
"No I meant that nice young boy that called me before. I think his name was Tyler?"
"You mean Taylor?"
"I knew it began with a T"
"I'll ask him, he lives in Indiana you know"
"Yes, I've done my research, I've found a place just down the road from his house"

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