Chapter 27

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With that I feel another sharp pain in the side of my right arm. I look down to see four tiny wounds in my arm. They're all bleeding but I know I'll survive it. If I can survive being stabbed with a knife, I'm sure a tiny fork stabbing won't hurt me.
"Oh what a shame. You didn't react as half as bad as Amy did. But I suppose I did use a knife. Plus it was a lot deeper" she smirks at me as I grasp the phone tighter. "It's also a shame that you're here with me and not out there trying to find her" she cackles to herself "what did you think would happen? You'd come here, beat the shit out of me and I'd tell you where she is" she steps closer to me "well look around hunny, I'm still standing. And you're the one that's bleeding" she prods me again with the fork in my left thigh, not hard enough to draw blood but still hard enough to hurt. All the anger that's been building up inside of me is finally released when I bring the fork that I'd picked up as a weapon quickly up to her forehead and stab it with all my power into the middle of her forehead.

I stand proud but horrified with myself as I watch her fall to the ground, the fork still lodged in her head. I turn to run, still holding the phone tight in my grasp. I run as fast as I possible can, through the doors out into the diner, immediately all the boys stand up and I continue to run out of the door and to the car. Not before hearing
"Bad move Potter. Bad move."

I stand outside the locked car begging and begging for the boys to come soon. My wish is their command as seconds later I see them all sprinting out towards me.
"What did you do sky?" Shawn asks eagerly whilst Jack G unlocks the car and jumps in the drivers seat. We climb into the remaining seats as Jack speeds off.
"I may or may not have stabbed her in the forehead"
"The forehead? Why?" Carter asks
"She showed me this" I say handing him the phone I'd stolen from Anna. He sees the image and let's the phone slip out of his hands and into his lap. Matt takes the phone and looks, he then passes it to Taylor, then to Jack J, then jack G. "Shawn, I don't think you want-" I'm too late. Shawn's already seen the image of the battered Amy and tears are starting to roll down his cheeks. "Shawn" I say making my way over to him, pulling him into a hug, he rests his head on my shoulder and I run my fingers through his hair to comfort him.
"Amy" he manages to say through the tears and silent crying "I shouldn't have left her. I should have been with her. I could have saved her all this" I feel my shoulder getting wetter and wetter "it's all my fault"
"Shawn, it's not your fault" Matt says trying to comfort him.
"It is!"
"Shawn it's not your fault! It's mine" I say. I've known it since the second we knew she was missing "she's my bully, I'm the reason Amy's missing. She wanted to hurt me, more than she's ever hurt me before. So she hurt Amy. The one person I cared about before I met you guys. I'm the reason Amy's gone. She hunted me down and took what I love." I fight back the tears, I have to be strong for Shawn. For Amy.

"You're right" shawn says lifting his head off my shoulder "it is your fault" he seems disgusted with me "it's all your fault Sky. It's your fault that I've lost the love of my life. It's your fault."
"She gone, my soulmate has gone"
"You didn't know her 4 days ago, she was just another crazed fan, drooling over you and the rest of the boys. Plus the first night we met you were drooling all over me. Not Amy. You were trying to get with me. Not Amy. So don't give me that shit" I scream, the tears now streaming down my face. I thought I was stronger than this. I thought I wasn't like all te other girls who cry over a broken nail or a scratch or a boy or getting in an argument with their best friend.
"Sky, calm down" Taylor says trying to calm me
"You stupid bitch. It was never you. It was always Amy! She asked me to make a move on you because of all the crap that you've been through. She thought it would make you feel better. But then tweedle dee and tweedle dum over here fell in love with you so the only way I could let you down gently was to get you to hate me" he scoffs "why would anyone want you?"
"Jack, stop the car."
"What? I can't stop? We're no where near the hotel, it's still a 10 minute drive" Jack G protests
"I don't care. Stop the car."
"No Sky"
"JACK STOP THE CAR" I scream, he eventually gives in and stops the car, I get out and slam the door behind me. I start to run. I have to clear my head. When I turn around to see the car has disappeared out of sight I slow down into a walk. It's getting dark and jack was right, we were no where near the hotel. I don't know where I am.

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