Chapter 42

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Jealous? What? Why would I be jealous of her? Ok who am I kidding? I'm jealous. I can't help thinking that I threw it all away. Well I did but I can't do anything about it now. Do not admit it to him Sky. Do not.

"Ha, jealous? Of her? Good one!" I say trying to hide my jealousy
"You can't hide anything from me"
"Yeah I can" I lie
"Sureeee" he says sceptically
"Whatever" I say. We stay silent during the majority of journey to the hospital. During the journey, I think about the conversation with my mum. She hit me. I can't believe she hit me.

"She hit me" I repeat, this time out loud. Matt turns to look at me whilst trying to keep focus on the road ahead of us.
"My mum"
"What about her?"
"She hit me. My mum hit me."
"What? When?"
"When I was waiting for you"
"So when you came to find me?"
"She'd hit me just before, I was getting away from her to get to you"
"So that's why you were so worked up?"
I nod even though he is looking at the road.
"Sky I'm sorry for snapping at you, I didn't know"
"I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to know"
"Because you'll think that I'm one of those girls who has nothing good in their lives. All you know about me is that I've been bullied my whole life, my best friend is in a hospital bed and my mum hit me."
"I'd never think that"
"I have got good things you know."
"I know"
"I've got the most amazing best friend in the world, my little sister is annoying but she's also the best little sister in the world-"
"You have a sister?" Matt interrupts
"Yeah, her name is Jaimee, she's 3"
"Cute, I can't wait to meet her" he winks at me
"I have a great school, I'm doing well." I say continuing my list "I'm on the school volleyball team, I have a part time job at an ice cream parlour on the beach, I can drive even though I'm 15, I got to move to America which has been my dream since I can remember, I have quite a high pain tolerance, I'm healthy and best of all, I got to meet my idols and I now talk to them all on a regular basis!"
"I never said you didn't have good things in your life"
"I know, I think I was telling myself more than you" he smiles as we pull into the hospital car park.

He runs around the side of the car to open my door. I smile in appreciation as we walk into the hospital. We are greeted by a smiling receptionist.
"Hi, who are you here to see?"
"Amy Jackson?"
She types on her computer, her face dropping at the sight on her screen "I'm afraid we have some not so good news"

Different ~ m.eDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora