Chapter 50

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"Matt" I say

"What's wrong?" he stares at me, worried. I try to build up the courage and find the words to tell him that I love him but I just can't, I cant do it, I cant risk the fact that me might not like me back. That would be worse than him not knowing that I liked him.

"Its just-" I start but change my mind mid sentence "It's nothing"

"Please don't lie to me Sky"

"I'm not! It's nothing! I wasn't even going to say anything" he raises his eyebrow at me suspiciously

"Sky" his facial expression turns sterner, he seems genuinely worried.

"Matt its nothing!"

"Is it about me? Did I do something?" he begs. Apart from being absolutely perfect and amazing in everyway, then no.

"No" I lie. I've never realised but I am completely infatuated with this boy that stands in front of me, I watch his mouth move but don't hear his words. I'm in my own little world, basking in his brilliance. Wow Sky, you really have fallen for this boy, hard. But remember, he's not just some boy, he's Matt. Not Matt Espinosa, huge vine star, just Matt and I love him. I love him, I love him, I love him. so why won't he love me back? Why does he keep friend zoning me? Suddenly, he raises his voice, snapping me back into reality.

"Sky? Did you hear anything I just said?" he looks hopeful, as though he has just laid his heart out on the line, but the truth is, I didn't hear anything. I was too busy falling head over heels for him.

"No, sorry, I was in another world" yeah, a world which revolves around you. But I choose not to tell him that bit. "What did you say?"

"It's nothing, it's not important, just jibberish really" I look at him sceptically. He shakes his head in a way to insist that he's telling the truth. "Come on, lets just sit down" I see him shoot a look to Shawn.

"What was that look about?"

"What look? There was no look?"

"Hmmm, whatever" but Shawn is shaking his head in disagreement. I decide to text Shawn, seeing as Matt will deny everything if Shawn talks.

(S=Sky, SM= Shawn)

S: What did Matt say?

SM: nothing much

SM: just that he's in love with you? but that's it really

S:he what?

SM: hahahahaha your mouth literally dropped open then

S: are you joking with me?

SM: yeah, he said he'd met a girl

S: oh

SM: no need to look so disappointed!

S: you do know that I like him right?

SM: Sky, we all know it.

S: so why doesn't he?

SM: who said he doesn't?

I look up to see Shawn smirking at me, laughing to himself. Why is he playing with my emotions? Doesn't he know not to do that to a girl? I cant take it anymore, my thoughts are whirring around in my head. It feels like my heads going to explode. I have to know if he likes me. But I cant just ask him, I have to be subtle.

"So Matt, I hear through the grapevine about a mystery girl?"

"So you were listening?" I nod in response, even though I'm lying. Before he can respond, a nurse comes through the doors.

"Miss Potter?" I look to my right, away from Matt towards the Nurse as she continues to speak "I'm afraid we have some not so brilliant news, It's about Amy"

"What?" I spring out of my chair

"Amy herself is fine" I breathe a sigh of relief and slump back into my chair

"so what's wrong?"

"During surgery, the doctors found something unexpected in a girl of Amy's age"

"Like what?" Shawn speaks up

"It was very undeveloped"

"What was it?"

"A baby"

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