Chapter 39

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I wake to find myself wrapped in Taylor's arms. I thought I'd fallen asleep on Shawn's bed? In Shawn and Matt's room? So why am I waking to find him? His shirt is stiff and my face is slightly stuck to it, I must have cried in the night. He's just so cute when he's asleep, Amy is right. She's always right. I refuse to use the past tense when I talk or even think about her. She's not gone yet. Taylor's squirms beneath me as my face peels off his shirt
"Good morning beautiful" I blush "how are you feeling?"
"I'm alright, sorry about last night"
"It's okay, everybody cries"
"I suppose" I blink, trying to get my eyes to focus with the bright light "where am I?" I sit up to see Shawn asleep in the other bed. What?
"Matt came back last night and you were fast asleep in his bed, he came to our room and asked if he could stay there, so I said I'd switch with him"
"He said it would be awkward if you slept in the same bed because you guys broke up"
"Right" I say as I lie back on the bed
"What do you want to do today?" He says trying to change the subject
"I have to be with Amy"
"I was going to suggest that" I nod and get out of bed.
"Is it alright if I take a shower?"
"Of course babe, there's a spare towel in the closet" why is he calling me babe all of a sudden? He did it yesterday, I hope he doesn't think that we are like, together now that Matt and I have broken up.

I go to the bathroom and get in the shower. Half way through I realise that I've forgotten the towel. Shit. What am I going to do now? I have two options: 1. Walk out there naked or 2. Call for Taylor. Well option 1 is not likely so I go for option 2.

"Taylor!" I shout over the sound of running water
"He's not here" I hear seconds later. Now what am I meant to do? "What's wrong?" I can hear it's Matt's voice so he must have come back and Taylor must have gone
"I just, forgot my towel"
"Just come out here naked then" this time it's Shawn talking. He's supposed to be with my best friend who is currently fighting for her life so why would he even say that? No Sky, you over think everything too much.

"Ha no, please Can someone bring me my towel?"
"Ok hold on"
Seconds later I hear a knock at the door. I turn off the water and step out of the shower to unlock the door. I hide my naked body with the door as I poke my head around the door. Matt hands me the towel, smiling to himself. I say thanks and close the door. I dry myself off, wrap the towel around my body and walk out into the main room.

I hear Matt and Shawn talking quietly, they stop talking as soon as they see me.
"What are you guys talking about?" I raise my eyebrow
"Um nothing" Matt snaps quickly. I'm sick of him hiding things from me.
"Whatever" I say as I bend down to open my suitcase, I feel both boys watching me. "If you guys could stop staring at my ass for a second I could use your help" I say turning to face them, they sharply turn their heads away, pretending that I wasn't right. I was.

Matt gets up and walks out of the room. I watch him, confused as he shuts the door behind him. I look back to Shawn who looks at me and shrugs.

"What's wrong?" Shawn says getting up
"I have to face Amy's parents today"
"Oh shit" he replies
"Exactly" I shrug "what are you guys doing today?"
"We were planning to get food, but we can come with you if you want?"
"No it's okay, I can't deprive you of food. Plus, I'll probably just be sitting, waiting for her to wake up. You guys go, have fun" they nod and begin to get ready.

I take my clothes to the bathroom and quickly change. I pull out my phone and text Matt.
(S= Sky, M= Matt)
S: hey x
M: hey.
S: I was wondering if you potentially wanted to come to the hospital with me today? I could use the support?
M: um
S: I know you have plans with the boys, you can say no.
M: no I'll come with you, you need someone with you
S: okay, are you ready or nah?
M: yeah, meet me in the lobby x
S: okay x

I put my phone away and make my way to the lobby, saying goodbye to Shawn in the process. I make it to the lobby and see that Matt isn't there yet. I sit down to wait for him and pull out my phone, I check all the social networking sites, people have already found out about me and Matt but no one seems to know about Amy, I want it to stay that way. A figure appears in front of me and I look up from my phone.

"Hello stranger"

(A/N: yeah I know this chapter is about Taylor even though this is a Matt fanfic but the next few chapters are about Matt so just hang in there! Thanks xx)

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