Chapter 6

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"Oh right.. Hey, we haven't met Shawn yet, you excited?" I say, trying to get over the fact that my favourite boy in the whole world was just flirting with my favourite girl in the whole world.
"Hell yeah!! He better fall in love with me or my life will be O-V-E-R!" The drama queen screamed.
"Sorry, did you say that Shawn's going to fall in love with you?" A small girl in front of us says whilst turning to look at us.
"No, I didn't say those exact words" Amy replies rudely
"Amy" I say nudging her "no need to be rude! Hi, I'm Sky and my friend here is Amy" is at trying to cover up Amy's rudeness.
"I'm Zoe" the girl replies.
"Hi Zoe, that's a really nice name" I say smiling politely
"Yeah I know" she says snootily "it's my turn to meet Shawn, sorry in advance that he's going to fall in love with me" she says whilst walking towards Shawn.

"Wow, she was rude" Amy says whilst watching Zoe walk up to Shawn.
"Hi beautiful, what's your name?" Shawn says to Zoe.
"Zoe" she says blushing
"Ah Zoe, so you want to take a picture?" He says not seeming to care much about her. They take 4 or 5 pictures together and security tells her to move on as she leaves the stage Amy says a little too loudly
"So much for him falling in love with her" Zoe gives us a scornful look and watches as we go to meet Shawn.

"Er hi gir-" he stops mid sentence. I look to Amy and then to Shawn confused. "Sorry, you girls are so beautiful you took my breath away" we laugh with embarrassment. I've never thought that I was pretty, let alone beautiful. "Sorry that was cheesy" he waffles.
"No it's sweet, thank you" Amy says smiling flirtatiously.
"I'm Sky and this is my friend Amy, who is madly in love with you, could you possibly sign her shirt?" Paying Amy back for embarrassing me with Matt. She gives me a sour look whilst Shawn signs her shirt.
"So Sky, have you been given these?" He says whilst pulling out 2 backstage passes from his back pocket.
"Er yeah, Matt gave us some when we met him a minute ago, thanks though!" I reply.
"Good" he says winking at me. Security tell us that we have to move on in 2 minutes. "Shall we take some pictures?" We take what seems to be hundreds of pictures doing all different poses. Just as security start to push us off of the stage, Shawn whispers something in my ear. "You are really beautiful Sky, I hope you know that" giving me a kiss on the cheek before we leave.
Amy and I decide to go up to the room to change before we go out to find something to eat. Back in the room Amy jumps onto the bed that we are sharing for the weekend because we couldn't afford a room with two beds as we spent all our money on VIP passes. We're 15 and 17 years old, we never have money, what do you expect? Anyway, it's a good thing that we spent all our money on VIP passes because then we wouldn't have backstage passes.
"I cannot believe that we have BACKSTAGE passes to magcon!! Sky OH my god!! Did Shawn seem like he liked me? God I hope he did! I love him so much" she babbles on. I decide not to tell her what Shawn whispered to me. I don't want to upset her do I?
"Amy, calm down will you? Look get changed and we'll go get some food. I'm driving"
"Oka- wait you're 15?"
"I know" I say with a mischievous smile.

I change into my tye die hoody and black leggings put my vans on and tie my hair into a messy bun on top of my head. It's not like I have anyone to impress. Amy walks out of the bathroom in yet another outfit. She's wearing a black hoody I bought her for her birthday last year, a pair of white jeans and bright pink converse. Her hair tied in a high pony tail.
"I'm flattered Amy but you don't need to dress up for our dinner date" I say teasing her.
"Yeah, well you never know who we might see" she teases back.
"Alright let's go, race you to the elevator" I say already running. Amy comes running after me and we step in the elevator. As we step out of the elevator we hear a familiar voice.

"Hello again"

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