Chapter 62

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I sit at Amy's bedside for another 2 hours, I try talking to her, talking about all the fun things we've done together, like when we went to the beach and our first sleepover and when I first met her parents but I can't help but think: what if she wakes up and doesn't want to be my friend anymore? Because I let this happen to her? I really hope that doesn't happen

Due to the fact that I'm once again wrapped up in my thoughts I almost don't feel the slight squeeze on my hand from underneath it. I snap my head down to look at it, and then back to Amy. I don't know if I am dreaming it or not but her eyes are open. Wide open, she looks scared to be with me, scared of me. I scream for the nurse as they usher me out of the room. I don't know how long they will be but I know I need someone with me, they'll make her feel at ease. I hope. I can't get over the fact that she was so scared, petrified to be near me.

I sprint as fast as I possibly can to Taylor's hospital room, I burst through the slightly opened door and just manage to catch my breath.
"Sky?" Matt asks
"It's Amy" I manage to say between pants "she's awake"
"What?" Shawn jumps out of his chair, looking hopeful
"It's true" with that he sprints off to get to her
"I better get back to her"
"Wait I'm coming!" Matt says taking my hand, pulling me into a run again.

Halfway down the corridor from Taylor's room I stop, completely out if breath. Matt instantly notices and gestures for me to get on his back. I'm hesitant at first but I soon jump on and he begins to run again. How he can run with me on his back is a mystery to me.

When we get back Amy's door is open again, there's no signs of any nurses or doctors so it must be clear to go in. I step cautiously inside and Amy's eyes light up when she sees us at the door, she's sitting up now, looking a lot more full of life. Her cuts and bruises are slowly fading, it's a miracle really, she wasn't meant to be awake for at least a month, let alone 6 days.

I smile at her but her look turns to complete hatred. I was right. She hates me for letting this happen to her. I hate myself too. Matt pulls me closer to Amy but she seems tense at my presence. I don't expect her to say anything, I would say anything to me if I was her.

"Where's Anna?" She stutters. Anna? Why would she want anna? She's probably just worried that her attacker is still roaming free
"Don't worry," I say "she's in jail"
"What? Why?"
"She attacked you"
"No she didn't, she's my best friend" the words I'd never thought I'd hear her say, I'd imagined his moment so many times in my head but never like this
"No Amy she did this to you, she's the reason you're in here"
"No you are!" She shouts "you attacked me!"

"Amy, Sky didn't attack you, Anna did" Matt tries to explain
"Who's Sky?"

(A/N: I've written all of the remaining chapters so get each chapter from now on to 80+ votes for an update)

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