Chapter 69

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I burst through the door to see Taylor sat on the edge of the bed, struggling to tie a bandana on with one hand. I laugh weakly and walk over to help him. He didn't hear me come in so he practically jumps out of his skin when he feels me helping him.
"Sky?" He doesn't turn to look at me but he knows it's me.
"Hey Tay" I whisper, he must sense the sorrow in my voice as I struggle to get my words out because he turns sharply to look at me. He sees the snotty nose, the red, puffy eyes and says nothing, he just pulls me into a hug. He lies down on the bed, pulling me down next to him. He wraps his arm that isn't in a cast around my shoulders and I snuggle into his chest. It's not a romantic gesture, it's his way of telling me everything's going to be alright.
"I'm sorry Sky" he doesn't even have to ask what happened, it's as if he read my mind so I didn't have to go through it again by telling him.
"I should have listened" I whisper again
"No no, I was wrong, I'm always wrong" he chuckles beneath me
"You weren't wrong, you told me about him, I should have listened. You were right."
"I don't want to be right"
"But you are."

We stay like this, not talking for another 15 minutes until a nurse comes in.
"Hello mr Caniff, I have just got your test results back, you are free to go home."
"Thank you" he says politely
"I hope Shawn is still here" I sit up, taking my phone out of my pocket "he's my ride. And yours too" Taylor laughs as I unlock my phone and text Shawn.

(S=Sky, SM=Shawn)
S: hey are you still at the hospital?
SM: yeah
S: are you going to be leaving anytime soon? Taylor's free to go
SM: not likely, I have to talk to Amy but Matt won't leave
S: eurgh, don't even mention his name right now
SM: I need to hear her side of the story, it might not be what it looks like
S: we walked in on them sucking each others faces off, what else could it look like?
SM: I don't know? I just need to talk to her
S: if you take her back, you're the biggest idiot there is
SM: I know, I love her
S: she obviously doesn't love you
SM: and who's fault is that?
S: excuse me?
SM: it's your fault she doesn't love me

What is he talking about? I choose to call him. I hold a finger up to show Taylor I'm on the phone and he signals for me to put it on speakerphone.
"What Sky?"
"What do you mean it's my fault she doesn't love you?"
"If you hadn't have been with Matt, she wouldn't have got jealous and had to compete with you for him, then she would have been happy with me"
"That's a lot to blame on Sky" Taylor says
"Yeah hi mate"
"Ha, I shouldn't be surprised, you fall out with Matt and he's the first one you go running to"
"That's because-" I can't find the words
"Because I'm her best friend" Taylor saves me
"No, it's because you want to fuck her"
"That's got nothing to do with it" Taylor argues. I look at Taylor with a what-is-he-talking-about look and Taylor just shakes his head in response as if to say not now
"Oh sure it does"
"Sorry but what has any of this got to do with what you're accusing me of?"
"I just wish that you hadn't come here and I hadn't met you, you've ruined everything." I should be shocked, but I was expecting it sooner or later, he's right, I do ruin everything. Instead of getting defensive I simple remind him of what it would have been like.
"You wish I hadn't come here, that means I wouldn't have brought Amy, you wouldn't have met her, you wouldn't have a clue who she was, you couldn't love her even if you wanted to."
"She's right" Taylor chimes
"Whatever." Shawn says and then he hangs up.

"What's his problem?"
"I don't even know" I respond
"Boys huh" Taylor says in a high pitches voice making me laugh
"Exactly" he gets me so much. It's like he was destined to be my best friend, he's like the male version of me. He makes me so happy and when I'm with him I forget about everything bad. He makes me regret choosing Matt over him. But I am 100% not getting into another relationship now. "Come on! I'll text Nash to pick us up, you have to meet my little sister" I say packing his things up.

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