Chapter 51

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"A baby?" Shawn speaks up
"Yes, it was very undeveloped so unfortunately we could not save it, it was only 3 to 4 days" I watch as Shawn looks to Carter and then to Matt and then to me
"Do you know who the father is?" I ask because I know it's what everyone is thinking
"That's what we were hoping you could help us with"
"Do you know of any sexual partners that Amy has had in the past 5 days?" Well there's Shawn, Carter, Matt and potentially that 'new boy' that Amy was 'showing around' school the day we left. "We would like to get in touch with them to arrange a DNA test"
"Is that possible? Because it wasn't very developed?"
"Of course it is"
"Well in that case" I look to the three boys in question "Guys?"

They all stand up, looking guilty
"All three of you?" They nod in sync "Damn that girl's got game" she says. I can't help but burst out laughing, that's exactly what Aaron said when he found out. I haven't spoken to him since he left and told me he liked me.
"Sky!" Matt hisses which quickly stops me laughing,
"The results won't be back until tomorrow" the nurse says as they all follow her through the doors meaning I'm left with Taylor and the Jacks.

"I'm going to get some food" Taylor speaks up
"Hold up, I'll come with" Jack G says getting up
"Yeah alright, you want anything Sky?"
"No I'm good, thanks" I smile as they walk away

"You can't fool me Sky" Jack says from next to me
"I know you like Taylor" he says facing me "But I also know you like Matt"
"Ergh Jack, what do I do?"
"Matt likes you. A lot. And I know deep down that you love him" I nod, no one ever takes the time to acknowledge Jack for the great person he is. "Plus, isn't Taylor a little too old for you?"
"I guess so" he's right, Taylor is 18 after all
"You need someone a bit younger than him" he coughs "like me" he winks
"You're 18 as well?"
"Yeah but my birthday is in March, his is in February"
"What happened to your girlfriend?"
"She cheated on me"
"Oh that sucks"
"She said I was a rubbish kisser anyway"
"I'm sure you're a great kisser Jack"
"Oh yeah?" He says, leaning in. I don't pull back, I just stay completely still and let him kiss me, his tongue tries to enter my mouth but before I can even think about it, I hear a cough from behind me. I pull away and turn to see who it is.


(A/N: please leave a comment if you like the new cover, I'm not sure about it? Thanks)

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